

Baby Buddy Sandstorm App

This is the source for the Baby Buddy app for Sandstorm.

App Version History



Primary development for the Baby Buddy application occurs at Baby Buddy on GitHub. This repository is specifically for the Sandstorm app build process.

Sandstorm configuration

The primary files for the Sandstorm app configuration are:

Updating Baby Buddy

Follow the steps below to update the version of Baby Buddy shipped with the Sandstorm app:

  1. Clone this repository.

    git clone git@github.com:babybuddy/babybuddy-sandstorm.git
  2. Move in to the repository.

    cd babybuddy-sandstorm
  3. Open the sandstorm-pkgdef.capnp file and set the "appMarketingVersion" directive to a new version of Baby Buddy and increment the "appVersion" directive by one.

    editor .sandstorm/sandstorm-pkgdef.capnp
  4. Start the VM via Vagrant SPK.

    vagrant-spk vm up
  5. Run the Vagrant SPK dev instance.

    vagrant-spk dev

    Note: Confirm that sandstorm.patch still applies during this command execution and update the patch if necessary.

  6. Test new/modified functionality in the Sandstorm dev environment.

    browse http://local.sandstorm.io:6080
  7. When ready, stop the development app (Ctrl-C) and clean the files list.

  8. Pack the new SPK! :tada:

    vagrant-spk pack ~/babybuddy.spk

Updating sandstorm.patch

If Sandstorm specific changes need to updated or the patch no longer applies, a new patch will need to created:

  1. Follow the steps in the Development documentation above up to the vagrant-spk dev command.

  2. Stop the development app (Ctrl-C).

  3. Move in to the babybuddy folder.

    cd babybuddy
  4. Apply the patch using 3way merge so conflicts will be created.

    git apply --3way ../sandstorm.patch
  5. Resolve any conflicts and make additional changes as needed.

  6. Add all files to git.

    git add --all
  7. Create a diff of the changes and save it to sandstorm.patch.

    git diff HEAD > ../sandstorm.patch
  8. Return to the main repository folder and start the vagrant dev instance.

    cd ..
    vagrant-spk dev

If the patch update was successful, the new patch should apply cleanly during the build phase.