

Babel Polyfills

A set of Babel plugins that enable injecting different polyfills with different strategies in your compiled code. Additionally, this repository contains a package that helps with creating providers for other polyfills.

ℹ️ This repository implements what was initially proposed at babel/babel#10008.

💡 If you are looking for some quick setup examples, or just want to see how to migrate your config, please check docs/migration.md.


The main Babel packages only transform JavaScript syntax: you also need to load a polyfill, to make native functions (Array.prototype.flat) or built-in objects (Reflect) work in older browsers.

The easiest way to do so is to directly load the polyfill using a <script ...> tag:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/core-js-bundle@3.35.1/minified.js"></script>

However, this simple approach can potentially include a lot of unnecessary code. The Babel plugins implemented in this repository automatically inject the polyfills in your code, while trying to only load what is really needed. It does this based on your compilation targets and on what you are using in your code.

These plugins (we are calling them "polyfill providers") support different injection methods, to better fit your needs.

For example, if you want to inject imports to es-shims polyfills by adding the missing functions to the global objects, you could configure Babel as such:

<!-- prettier-ignore-start --> <table> <thead><tr> <th align="center">Configuration</th> <th align="center">Input code</th> <th align="center">Output code</th> </tr></thead> <tr> <td>
  "targets": { "firefox": 65 },
  "plugins": [
    ["polyfill-es-shims", {
      "method": "usage-global"

</td> <td>

]).finally(() => {
</td> <td>
import "promise.prototype.finally/auto";
import "promise.allsettled/auto";

]).finally(() => {
</td> </tr> </table> <!-- prettier-ignore-end -->

If you want to see more configuration examples, you can check the migration docs: docs/migration.md.

If you are interested in reading about all the options supported by these plugins, you can check the usage docs: docs/usage.md.

Supported polyfills

<!--prettier-ignore -->
core-js@2babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2entry-global, usage-global and usage-pure
core-js@3babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3entry-global, usage-global and usage-pure
es-shimsbabel-plugin-polyfill-es-shimsusage-global and usage-pure
regenerator-runtimebabel-plugin-polyfill-regeneratorentry-global, usage-global and usage-pure

💡 We are maintaining support for core-js and es-shims, but we encourage you to implement a provider for your own polyfill, or for your favorite one! One of our goals is to encourage competition between different polyfills, to better balance the different trade offs like spec compliancy and code size.

If you want to implement support for a custom polyfill, you can use @babel/helper-define-polyfill-provider. (docs/polyfill-provider.md.)

Injection methods

Polyfill plugins can expose three different injection methods: entry-global, usage-global and usage-pure. Note that polyfill plugins don't automatically add the necessary package(s) to your dependencies, so you must explicitly list them in your package.json.

ℹ️ All the examples assume that you are targeting Chrome 62.

History and Motivation

In the last three years and a half, @babel/preset-env has shown its full potential in reducing bundle sizes not only by not transpiling supported syntax features, but also by not including unnecessary core-js polyfills.

So far Babel provided three different ways to inject core-js polyfills in the source code:

Our old approach has two main problems:

With this new packages we are proposing a solution for both of these problem, while still maintaining full backward compatibility.

Want to contribute?

See our CONTRIBUTING.md to get started with setting up the repo.