pod-babashka-aws <sup>* deprecated</sup>
Great news! :tada: Awyeah-api is a babashka compatible re-implementation of Cognitect's aws-api! This means that this pod is no longer necessary, and will no longer be maintained. Please use Awyeah-api.
A babashka pod wrapping the aws-api library.
Experimental, awaiting your feedback.
The namespaces and functions in this pod reflect those in the official aws-api library.
Available namespaces and functions:
Single-file script
#!/usr/bin/env bb
(require '[babashka.pods :as pods])
(pods/load-pod 'org.babashka/aws "0.1.2")
(require '[ :as aws])
(def region "eu-central-1")
(def s3-client
(aws/client {:api :s3 :region region}))
(aws/doc s3-client :ListBuckets)
(aws/invoke s3-client {:op :ListBuckets})
(aws/invoke s3-client
{:op :CreateBucket
:request {:Bucket "pod-babashka-aws"
:CreateBucketConfiguration {:LocationConstraint region}}})
(require '[ :as io])
(aws/invoke s3-client
{:op :PutObject
:request {:Bucket "pod-babashka-aws"
:Key "logo.png"
:Body (io/file "resources" "babashka.png")}})
See test/script.clj for an example script.
Project with a bb.edn file
{:pods {org.babashka/aws {:version "0.1.2"}}} ; this will be loaded on demand
Your code:
(ns my.code
(:require [ :as aws] ; required just like a normal Clojure library
[ :as io]))
(def region "eu-central-1")
(def s3-client
(aws/client {:api :s3 :region region}))
(aws/doc s3-client :ListBuckets)
(aws/invoke s3-client {:op :ListBuckets})
(aws/invoke s3-client
{:op :CreateBucket
:request {:Bucket "pod-babashka-aws"
:CreateBucketConfiguration {:LocationConstraint region}}})
(aws/invoke s3-client
{:op :PutObject
:request {:Bucket "pod-babashka-aws"
:Key "logo.png"
:Body (io/file "resources" "babashka.png")}})
Differences with aws-api
- Credentials: custom flows are supported, but not by extending CredentialsProvider interface. See <a href="#credentials">Credentials</a> for options.
- This pod doesn't require adding dependencies for each AWS service.
- Async might be added in a later version.
- For uploading (big) files (e.g. to S3), it is better for memory consumption to
pass a
directly, rather than an input-stream.
The default behaviour for credentials is the same way as Cognitect's
; meaning the
client implicitly looks up credentials the same way the java SDK
To provide credentials explicitly, you can pass a credentials-provider
to the
client constructor fn, e.g.:
(require '[ :as aws])
(require '[ :as credentials])
(def s3 (aws/client {:api :s3
:credentials-provider (credentials/basic-credentials-provider
{:access-key-id "ABC"
:secret-access-key "XYZ"})}))
In contrast to the aws-api
library this pod does not support extending the
CredentialsProvider interface. For more complex flows, e.g. temporary
credentials obtained by AWS SSO
, one can use a credential_process
entry in a
file, as documented here:
(def s3 (aws/client {:api :s3
:credentials-provider (credentials/credential-process-credentials-provider
where ~/.aws/credentials
could look like
credential_process = bb fetch_sso_credentials.clj
The credential_process
entry can be any program that prints the expected JSON data:
#!/usr/bin/env bb
(println "{\"AccessKeyId\":\"***\",\"SecretAccessKey\":\"***\",\"SessionToken\":\"***\",\"Expiration\":\"2020-01-00T00:00:00Z\",\"Version\":1}")
The aws-api includes using the default java.util.logging
implementation. Use!
to change the level of
logging in the pod. The default log level in the pod is :warn
. All possible
levels: :trace
, :debug
, :info
, :warn
, :error
or :fatal
Each aws-api client has its own logger which adopts the logging level of the global logger at time it was instantiated.
user=> (def sts-1 (aws/client {:api :sts}))
2021-11-10 23:07:13.608:INFO::main: Logging initialized @30234ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog
user=> (keys (aws/invoke sts-1 {:op :GetCallerIdentity}))
(:UserId :Account :Arn)
user=> (require '[ :as logging])
user=> (logging/set-level! :info)
user=> (def sts-2 (aws/client {:api :sts}))
user=> (keys (aws/invoke sts-2 {:op :GetCallerIdentity}))
Nov 10, 2021 11:07:45 PM$eval9973$fn__9976 invoke
INFO: Unable to fetch credentials from environment variables.
Nov 10, 2021 11:07:45 PM$eval9973$fn__9976 invoke
INFO: Unable to fetch credentials from system properties.
(:UserId :Account :Arn)
;; The sts-1 client still has level :warn:
user=> (keys (aws/invoke sts-1 {:op :GetCallerIdentity}))
(:UserId :Account :Arn)
Run script/compile
. This requires GRAALVM_HOME
to be set.
Update aws-api deps
Run script/update-deps.clj
Run script/test
. This will run both the pod and tests (defined in
) in two separate JVMs.
To test the native-image together with babashka, run the tests while setting
to native
APP_TEST_ENV=native script/test
To test with localstack:
# Start localstack
docker-compose up -d
# Set test credentials and run tests
AWS_REGION=eu-north-1 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=test AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=test script/test
When adding new services to tests you need to add the service name into SERVICES
environment variable in docker-compose.yml
and .circleci/config.yml
. See localstack docs for a list of available services.
Copyright © 2020 Michiel Borkent, Jeroen van Dijk, Rahul De and Valtteri Harmainen.
Distributed under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE.