

Modern card themes for Anki.

A collection of anki note-types, with a matching modern design.

Getting Started



  1. Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/b3nj5m1n/moderncardthemes.git
  1. Open anki and click on "File" -> "CrowdAnki: Import from disk"
  2. Select the correct directory (test_tube_Test_Deck)
  3. Click import



Note Types

I've made some major changes to the available note types in this deck. (I removed most of the old ones, since I found I never actually used them)


This card has a lot of fields, so here is a brief explanation of which ones you need to worry about:

By default, upon seeing the front of the card, the audio of the word you're trying to memorize is played in the language the word is in, upon seeing the back of the card you'll hear the audio of the word in your native language. Click on any of the elements that have audio (Word, WordTranslation, Sentence, SentenceTranslation) to play the audio for that.


You can use this note type to memorize poems, quotes or lyrics. When you see the front of the card, tap on it to reveal the first word of the text. (Try to remember what it was beforehand) Continue to work your way through the text like this. At the end, judge how well you were able to remember it.


You can use this note type to memorize lists. When you see the front of the card, tap on it to reveal the first element of the text. (Try to remember what it was beforehand) Continue to work your way through the text like this. At the end, judge how well you were able to remember it. You need to put one (only one) ul or ol tag in the list field for the javascript to function correctly.


For conjugations, you can specify the pronouns in a ; separated list, here are some examples:


u/TrainOfPotatoes, and this post of them was what originally inspired me to start this project. Early versions were also based on their code, although this is not really the case anymore.

When I originally wanted to integrate KaTeX with anki, there didn't seem to be any projects doing it. I then found this repo, which includes KaTex, the original code for my KaTeX integration was also based on their code.