


Logged PS Remote Command Wrapper for simplified Blue Team Forensics/IR.

Available commands:

Command             Alias    Description
-------             -----    -----------
help                -h       Help
dir                 ls       List current directory contents
cd                           Change current directory
mkdir                        Create directory
pslist              ps       List running processes
upload                       Uploads a file to remote host. Must use absolute paths and must wrap in double quotes
                             upload "C:\local\host\test.txt" "C:\remote\host\test.txt"
download                     Download a file from remote host. Must use absolute paths and must wrap in double quotes
                             download "C:\remote\host\test.txt" "C:\local\host\test.txt"
users                        Lists subfolders of C:\Users
exec                         Execute remote powershell command
netstat                      Execute netstat -an
dnscache                     Execute dnscache
browsinghistoryview bhv^     Copies Binaries\BrowsingHistoryView.exe to remote host and retrieves csv output file
prefetch                     Get creation and modification timestamps (first and last execution times) of 
                             prefetch files within C:\Windows\Prefetch
autorunsc                    Copy Binaries\Autorunsc.zip to C:\Windows\Temp\B2R on remote host, extract and run
                             autorunsc.exe -a * -user * -c
                             Saves results to Logs\autorunsc.csv
sigcheck                     Checks for packed binary executables using sigcheck.exe. Outputs files with entropy 7+
                             Copies Binaries\sigcheck.exe to C:\Windows\Temp\B2R on remote host and runs.
                             Default execution runs against C:\Windows\System32 with entropy 7+
                             Custom syntax: sigcheck C:\Path Entropy
                             E.g. sigcheck C:\Windows\Temp\B2R 7
lastactivityview^   lav       Copies Binaries\LastActivityView.exe to remote host and retrieves csv output file
rekal*^                      Copy Binaries\rekal.zip to C:\Windows\Temp\B2R on remote host, extract, and run rekal.exe live
exit               quit     Close PSSession and exit B2Response    

*Not logged due to technical limitations
^Requires .\Binaries\PsExec.exe 


B2Response.ps1 -ComputerName remotehost


B2Response will automatically create a time/hostname stamped logging subdirectory where executed, and will log the output from all commands executed, except Rekal.


Simply enter the command 'cleanup' in the B2Response shell to delete C:\Windows\Temp\B2R recursively on the remote host.



  1. Download and install rekal on your PC
  2. Zip the install directory into rekal.zip
  3. Place into the 'Binaries' folder

Other Binaries:

  1. Download exe
    BrowsingHistoryView: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/browsing_history_view.html
    Autorunsc: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/autoruns
    LastAvtivityView: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/computer_activity_view.html
    SigCheck: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/sigcheck
  2. Select the binary you wish to use (64 bit or 32 bit) and name it
  3. Place in the 'Binaries' folder

Known Issues:

Sometimes the Tee-Object only outputs to file, and not stdout. Not sure why this occurs. Tee-Object doesn't output for rawcopy result confirmation. Nut sure why this occurs.

Future feature additions:

Memory dump
Packet capture
Utilization of a network share for binary execution and file write (without breaking powershell 2nd hop rule)
Additional parsers