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minimal-readme compliant Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. <a href="https://liberapay.com/benz0li/donate"><img src="https://liberapay.com/assets/widgets/donate.svg" alt="Donate using Liberapay" height="20"></a>

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This project serves as a template to run jupyterhub with jupyterlab/r/verse in docker containers using docker compose.
ℹ️ For JupyterHub on a cloud/on-premise k8s environment, see Jupyter's Zero to JupyterHub with Kubernetes.



The following extensions are pre-installed for code-server:


Table of Contents


The following is required:


This project depends on the following Docker Deployments:


  1. Create an external docker network named "jupyter":

    docker network create jupyter
  2. Make a copy of all sample. files and folders:

    for file in sample.*; do cp -r "$file" "${file#sample.}"; done;
  3. Update environment variables JH_DOMAIN, GL_DOMAIN and JH_CERTRESOLVER_NAME in '.env':

    • Replace mydomain.com with your own domain that serves the subdomain.
    • Replace mydomain-com with a valid certificate resolvers name of Træfik.
  4. Set environment variable JH_COOKIE_SECRET in '.env':
    Generate random cookie secret:

    openssl rand -hex 32
  5. Add JupyterHub as an OAuth application in GitLab CE:

    Name: JupyterHub
    Redirect URL: https://jupyter.mydomain.com/hub/oauth_callback

    → Replace mydomain.com with your own domain that serves the subdomain.

    • Tick "Trusted"
    • Scopes:
      • Tick "api"
    • Click "Submit" and copy "Application ID" and "Secret"
  6. Update environment variables JH_GITLAB_APPLICATION_ID and JH_GITLAB_SECRET in '.env' accordingly.

  7. Update the following environment variable in 'db.env':

    • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Superuser password for PostgreSQL (default: password)
  8. Start the container in detached mode:

    docker compose up -d


Wait a moment and visit https://jupyter.mydomain.com to confirm everything went fine.

Reference deployment

Check out the reference deployment at https://demo.jupyter.b-data.ch.

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Hardened and customised to meet the latest web application security standards.

Further reading



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The use of the trademarked term RStudio® and the distribution of the RStudio binaries through the images hosted on b-data's GitLab Container Registry (glcr.b-data.ch) has been granted by explicit permission of Posit Software, PBC. Please review Posit’s Trademark Guidelines and address inquiries about further distribution to permissions@posit.co.