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FrameGraph simplifies prototyping on Vulkan and can be used as a base layer for the graphics engine. FrameGraph designed for maximum performance but not at the expense of usability. API developed as simple as possible, it hides all synchronizations, memory allocations and all this boilerplate code that is needed to get Vulkan work. Builtin validations together with Vulkan validation layers allow you to quickly find and fix errors.


Used vulkan features and extensions:




Suported Platforms


Generate project with CMake and build.<br/> Required C++17 standard support and CMake 3.10.<br/> Reequired internet connection to download external dependencies.<br/>

Dependencies:<br/> Vulkan-headers or Vulkan SDK - required.<br/> VulkanMemoryAllocator - required.<br/> glfw or SDL2 - required for framework and some tests.<br/> glslang - required for glsl compiler.<br/> SPIRV-Tools, SPIRV-Headers and Python 3.7 - (optional) for spirv optimization.<br/> GLSL-Trace - (optional) for shader debugging.<br/> lodepng - (optional) for screenshots.<br/> graphviz - (optional) for graph visualization.<br/> Assimp - (optional) for Scene extension.<br/> DevIL - (optional) for Scene extension.<br/> imgui - (optional) for UI extension.<br/> OpenVR - (optional) for VR support.<br/> GLM - (optional) for Scene extension.<br/> ffmpeg - (optional) for video recording.<br/>


  1. FrameGraph in Frostbite.<br/>
  2. Handles vs pointers<br/>
  3. Porting engine to vulkan.<br/>
  4. FrameGraph from Ubisoft<br/>
  5. RenderGraph from EA<br/>