

TensorFlow Examples

This tutorial was designed for easily diving into TensorFlow, through examples. For readability, it includes both notebooks and source codes with explanation, for both TF v1 & v2.

It is suitable for beginners who want to find clear and concise examples about TensorFlow. Besides the traditional 'raw' TensorFlow implementations, you can also find the latest TensorFlow API practices (such as layers, estimator, dataset, ...).

Update (05/16/2020): Moving all default examples to TF2. For TF v1 examples: check here.

Tutorial index

0 - Prerequisite

1 - Introduction

2 - Basic Models

3 - Neural Networks


4 - Utilities

5 - Data Management

6 - Hardware

TensorFlow v1

The tutorial index for TF v1 is available here: TensorFlow v1.15 Examples. Or see below for a list of the examples.


Some examples require MNIST dataset for training and testing. Don't worry, this dataset will automatically be downloaded when running examples. MNIST is a database of handwritten digits, for a quick description of that dataset, you can check this notebook.

Official Website: http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/.


To download all the examples, simply clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/aymericdamien/TensorFlow-Examples

To run them, you also need the latest version of TensorFlow. To install it:

pip install tensorflow

or (with GPU support):

pip install tensorflow_gpu

For more details about TensorFlow installation, you can check TensorFlow Installation Guide

TensorFlow v1 Examples - Index

The tutorial index for TF v1 is available here: TensorFlow v1.15 Examples.

0 - Prerequisite

1 - Introduction

2 - Basic Models

3 - Neural Networks


4 - Utilities

5 - Data Management

6 - Multi GPU

More Examples

The following examples are coming from TFLearn, a library that provides a simplified interface for TensorFlow. You can have a look, there are many examples and pre-built operations and layers.

