

HyperLogLog - an algorithm for approximating the number of distinct elements

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An improved version of HyperLogLog for the count-distinct problem, approximating the number of distinct elements in a multiset using 33-50% less space than other usual HyperLogLog implementations.

This work is based on "Better with fewer bits: Improving the performance of cardinality estimation of large data streams - Qingjun Xiao, You Zhou, Shigang Chen".


The core differences between this and other implementations are:

In general it borrows a lot from InfluxData's fork of Clark Duvall's HyperLogLog++ implementation, but uses 50% less space.


A direct comparison with the HyperLogLog++ implementation used by InfluxDB yielded the following results:

ExactAxiom (8.2 KB)Influx (16.39 KB)
1010 (0.0% off)10 (0.0% off)
5050 (0.0% off)50 (0.0% off)
250250 (0.0% off)250 (0.0% off)
12501249 (0.08% off)1249 (0.08% off)
62506250 (0.0% off)6250 (0.0% off)
3125031008 (0.7744% off)31565 (1.0080% off)
156250156013 (0.1517% off)156652 (0.2573% off)
781250782364 (0.1426% off)775988 (0.6735% off)
39062503869332 (0.9451% off)3889909 (0.4183% off)
100000009952682 (0.4732% off)9889556 (1.1044% off)


A big thank you to Prof. Shigang Chen and his team at the University of Florida who are actively conducting research around "Big Network Data".


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