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<div align="center"> <img src="logo.svg" with="64" height="64"/> <h1>Cask</h1>

installation lint test build Latest Version License Repo Size

A universal, distributed package manager.

Installation | Usage | How to publish package? | Design | Contributing | Cask.toml


If you are tired of:

  1. Install different package manager in different platform (Homebrew/Chocolatey/Scoop).
  2. Writing installation scripts many times(Bash/PowerShell).
  3. Update remote package information when release a new version

Then welcome to Cask.

Cross Platform support


  1. Shell (Mac/Linux)

    curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cask-pkg/cask.rs/main/install.sh | bash
  2. PowerShell (Windows):

    iwr https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cask-pkg/cask.rs/main/install.ps1 -useb | iex
  3. Github release page

    Download the executable, then put it in the $PATH directory.

  4. Upgrade from existing version

    cask self-update

try running following command

$ cask --help
cask v0.4.6
Axetroy <axetroy.dev@gmail.com>
General distributed binary distribution package management, written in Rust.

    cask <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Print help information
    -V, --version    Print version information

    check-updates     Check and update packages to latest [aliases: check-upgrades]
    clean             Clear residual data [aliases: clear]
    help              Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    homepage          Open homepage of package [aliases: home]
    info              Show information of package
    install           Install package [aliases: i]
    list              List installed package [aliases: ls]
    relink            Relink installed packages
    remote            Operation for build-in formula
    self-uninstall    Uninstall cask itself and installed package
    self-update       Update Cask to the newest version [aliases: self-upgrade]
    uninstall         Uninstall package [aliases: rm]
    update            Upgrade package to latest [aliases: upgrade]


# cask install <package>
cask install github.com/axetroy/dvm
# cask install <package> <version>
cask install github.com/axetroy/dvm 1.x
# cask install <repository URL>
cask install https://github.com/axetroy/dvm.git
# cask install from stdin
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/axetroy/dvm/master/Cask.toml | cask install

# cask uninstall <package or the executable file name of the package>
cask uninstall github.com/axetroy/dvm
# or uninstall with shorter command
cask rm dvm

Show more information with cask --help command.


cask install <PACKAGE> [VERSION]Install package
cask uninstall <PACKAGE>Uninstall package
cask info <PACKAGE>Show information of package
cask update <PACKAGE>Update package to latest
cask homepage <PACKAGE>Open homepage of package
cask check-updatesCheck and update packages to latest
cask listList installed package
cask cleanClear residual data
cask self-updateUpdate Cask to the newest version
cask self-uninstallUninstall cask itself and installed package
cask remote syncSync build-in formula from remote to local
cask remote listList build-in formula on remote


Cask depends on Git


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. How to contribute.

<a href="https://github.com/cask-pkg/cask.rs/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=cask-pkg/cask.rs" /> </a>


The MIT License