

Lines Are Beautiful

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A C++ file API for the reMarkable e-ink tablet.

Warning: The libraries and tools in this project are not (yet) hardened for malicious input. Only process files that you can trust with it!



Spack Package Conan Package Conda Package Docker Image


spack install rmlab
spack load rmlab

From Source

If one of the popular user-level package managers above is not already satisfying your needs, install from source via:

git clone https://github.com/ax3l/lines-are-beautiful.git

mkdir lines-are-beautiful/build
cd lines-are-beautiful/build

# for own install prefix append: -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/somepath
cmake ..

make -j

# optional
make test

# sudo is only required for system paths
sudo make install

Usage CLI

Lines Are Beautiful comes with several tools to handle files produced by the tablet. Try them on your own files inside $HOME/.local/share/remarkable/xochitl/ :-)

PNG renderer

This is a small example implementing a renderer for PNG while changing the brush type.

# path to the directory containing the notebook
lines2png share/rmlab/examples/aa90b0e7-5c1a-42fe-930f-dad9cf3363cc
#   creates files "test-0.png", "test-1.png", ... per page in the current directory

Note: this tool depends on an installed PNGwriter dependency.

SVG renderer

This notebook renderer creates a set of SVG files, one for each page. Implementation status:

# path to the directory containing the notebook
lines2svg share/rmlab/examples/e09e6bd4-3647-41e7-98be-b9c3b53d80c8
#   creates files "test-0.svg", "test-1.svg", ... per page in the current directory

Usage API

Set environment hints:

# optional: only needed if installed outside of system paths
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/your/path/to/installed/path:$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH

Add to your CMakeLists.txt:

# supports:                     COMPONENTS PNG
find_package(Rmlab 0.1.0 CONFIG)

target_link_libraries(YourTarget PRIVATE Rmlab::Rmlab)

Alternatively, add whole repository directly to your project and add it via:


target_link_libraries(YourTarget PRIVATE Rmlab::Rmlab)

In your C++ files (see Doxygen):

#include <rmlab/rmlab.hpp>
#include <iostream>

// ...

rmlab::Notebook myNotebook("share/rmlab/examples/aa90b0e7-5c1a-42fe-930f-dad9cf3363cc");

for( auto & page : myNotebook.pages )
    for( auto & layer : page.layers )
        for( auto & line : layer.lines )
            for( auto & point : line.points )
                std::cout << point.x << " " << point.y << std::endl;


Blog Articles, Talks

Experimental Implementation in Rust


This is a hobby project.

The author(s) and contributor(s) are not associated with reMarkable AS, Norway. reMarkable is a registered trademark of reMarkable AS in some countries. Please see https://remarkable.com for their product.