

Boosted Prompt Ensembles for Large Language Models

Silviu Pitis, Michael R. Zhang, Andrew Wang, Jimmy Ba


<img src="figs/illustration.png" width="500">

This repo contains code for our paper on prompt boosting. Please see the paper for detailed experiments and ablations. This code is built off the official implementation of Large Language Models are Zero-Shot Reasoners.


Methods such as chain-of-thought prompting and self-consistency have pushed the frontier of language model reasoning performance with no additional training. To further improve performance, we propose a prompt ensembling method for large language models, which uses a small dataset to construct a set of few shot prompts that together comprise a "boosted prompt ensemble". The few shot examples for each prompt are chosen in a stepwise fashion to be "hard" examples on which the previous step's ensemble is uncertain. We show that this outperforms single-prompt output-space ensembles and bagged prompt-space ensembles on the GSM8k and AQuA datasets, among others. We propose both train-time and test-time versions of boosted prompting that use different levels of available annotation and conduct a detailed empirical study of our algorithm.

Example command:

python dynamicprompting.py --dataset aqua --size-limit 12 --min_prompt_size 3


Make sure you have Python>=3.8 installed on your machine.

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install python-dotenv openai transformers
pip install datasets cohere
git clone https://github.com/kojima-takeshi188/zero_shot_cot.git
cd zero_shot_cot
pip install torch==1.8.2+cu111 torchtext==0.9.2 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/lts/1.8/torch_lts.html
pip install -r requirements.txt

Set your OpenAI API key

# https://beta.openai.com/account/api-keys

Set arguments.

model=gpt3-xl # {"gpt3", "gpt3-medium", "gpt3-large", "gpt3-xl"}. "gpt3" is the smallest model.
dataset=multiarith # We can use other datasets. See help for the details.
limit_dataset_size=10 # This is important to save your budget. If you want to use all the samples in a dataset, set 0.
api_time_interval=1.0 # Caution. The API allows users request API up to 60 times in a minutes, otherwise errors happen.

Quick Start

[Prompt Boosting on gsm8k] 200 Train to Boost entire test set

python dynamicprompting.py --dataset=gsm8k --split=train --min_agreement=0.9 --size_limit=200 --seed 0 --prompt_mode boosted --tag TRAIN_BASE200
python dynamicprompting.py --dataset=gsm8k --min_agreement=0.9 --size_limit=3000 --seed 0 --boosted_prompts=logs/gsm8k_boosted/code-davinci-002_200_0.9_0_append_TRAIN_BASE200.pickle --tag BASE200

[Self Consistency 100 on gsm8k]

python dynamicprompting.py --dataset=gsm8k --min_agreement=1.0 --seed 0 --prompt_mode self_consistency --tag SC

[Test Time Prompt Boosting on MMLU570]

python dynamicprompting.py --dataset=mmlu570 --split=train --min_agreement=0.9 --size_limit=300 --seed 0 --prompt_mode boosted --tag TRAIN_BASE
python dynamicprompting.py --dataset=mmlu570 --min_agreement=0.9 --seed 0 --boosted_prompts=logs/mmlu570_boosted/code-davinci-002_300_0.9_0_append_TRAIN_BASE.pickle --tag BASE