Todo List Example App
This project is intended to be a hands-on demonstration of ways that you can integrate a Ruby on Rails application with Amazon Web Services. Starting from a simple example web application, we will show you how it can take advantage of various AWS offerings. We hope that this will be useful to you as you integrate your own applications with AWS.
The Application
The application itself is not complicated - it is a simple Todo List web site, where you can create tasks, edit details about them, and update their status.
While some additional functionality may be added over time to make the example more practical, the application is designed to be simple and easy to understand.
The Tutorial Series on the AWS Ruby Development Blog
You can learn how to deploy and run this application on Amazon Web Services at the AWS Ruby Development Blog. There, we have tagged all of the posts that build on this sample app with the "TodoApp" tag.
If you have any questions or issues, do feel free to reach out to us on the blog or in the Issues tab for this repo, we'd love your feedback!