Running the MobilePhotoShare Sample App
This is a sample mobile application that demonstrates how a number of AWS Tools and Services can work together to create a fully functioning iOS Application. The MobilePhotoShare App allows users to do the following:
- Allow users to login using Facebook.
- Upload photos to Amazon S3 using the S3 Transfer Manager.
- Mark photos as public. Public photos are visible by all App users.
- Geo-tag photos using the Geo Library for DynamoDB.
- Add photos to a list of "Favorites" using Amazon DynamoDB.
- Register their device to recieve Push Notifications using SNS Mobile Push.
Steps to run the sample
- Download the AWS SDK for iOS.
- Create a Facebook Application by following these [instructions](documents/Facebook
- Create the AWS DynamoDB Table to store users Favorites by following these instructions.
- Run a Cloud Formation template to setup the necessary AWS resources for the App.
- Get the iOS App running by following these [instructions](documents/App