

RAG-QA Arena

0. Preliminary

0.1 Install Environment

conda create -n ragqa-arena python=3.10.0
pip install -r requirements.txt

0.2 Download Data

Data can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qhKEbGgBfrPzqGvhnzVoTvi3a6tiMyDP?usp=sharing. Save them into the data/ folder.

Query with citation can be downloaded in data/annotations_{domain}_with_citation.jsonl. The in-text citations are included in the field "faithful_answer_w_citation", in the form of [1, 2, 3], which indicate the corresponding index of the annotated gold documents, which are shown in the format of doc_id that can be mapped to the doc_id corresponding to RobustQA document source. Citations are also availble in the form of list of list in "citation_numbers", which are listed in the same order of in-text citations.

There is a minor amount difference in data/annotations_{domain}_with_citation.jsonl with previous version that does not have citation annotation (statistics shown below). Please proceed with the version that satisfy your use case.

DomainOriginal All SamplesWith Citation

We only provide new annotations for this project. For underlying corpus, you need to

  1. Follow the instruction from RobustQA here: https://github.com/awslabs/robustqa-acl23?tab=readme-ov-file#raw-data--annotations to obtain raw documents and processed passages.
  2. Follow instruction to run ColBERTv2 and retrieve passages: https://github.com/awslabs/robustqa-acl23?tab=readme-ov-file#colbertv2.
  3. We provide 1 example per domain for final data format under data/ans_gen/.

WARNING: to run the following scripts, you will need your own OpenAI access_token or have access to up to 8 A100 GPUs.

1. Answer Generation

1.1 GPT-4 Models

Modify the script by adding your openai_key.

bash generate_response_gpt.sh

1.2 Huggingface Models

Note that you will need up to 8 A100 GPUs, change models and set clm_new_token_trigger accordlingly in this script in order to parse output properly.

bash generate_response_hf.sh

Output files are saved under data/pairwise_eval/, which will be used as inputs to the next section Pairwise Evaluation.

2. Pairwise Evaluation

We select gpt-4-0125-preview as our final evaluator.

2.1 Compare with LFRQA directly.

Modify the script by adding your openai_key.

bash run_pairwise_eval_lfrqa.sh

2.2 Compare a pair of LLM generations.

Modify the script by adding your openai_key.

bash run_pairwise_eval_llms.sh

3. Analysis

After running Section 2, you can run the following script to see RAG-QA Arena results.

3.1 Main Results

python code/report_results.py

This script reports win and win+tie rate against LFRQA only.

3.2 Complete Pairs

python code/report_results.py --use_complete_pairs

This script reports win and win+tie rate for all comparison, and output an all_battles.json file that can be used in this Google Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1KdwokPjirkTmpO_P1WByFNFiqxWQquwH to compute Elo Rating.

3.3 Replicating Existing Results

We've evaluated 11 leading models and their complete pairs for 1400 queries. Results can be downloaded from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fnJ_PUd33go0BXq0ShY9ofkVYERpyzFu?usp=sharing. Run the following scripts to see results. Make sure results are in ./eval_results/ sub-folder.

  1. Top 5 retrieved passages for 11 LLMs compared to all LFRQA answers.
python code/report_results.py \
        --root eval_results/lfrqa/5_psgs/
  1. Top 5 retrieved passages for 11 LLMs compared to all LFRQA answers + 1400 queries with complete LLM pairwise comparisons.
python code/report_results.py
        --root eval_results/lfrqa/5_psgs/
        --sub_dirs complete_pair_batch_1 complete_pair_batch_2
  1. Top 10 retrieved passages for 11 LLMs compared to all LFRQA answers.
python code/report_results.py
        --root eval_results/lfrqa/10_psgs/

3.4 Correlation between Human and Model-based Evaluation

In data/human_eval, we share two types of evaluation results,

To check results, simply run python code/compute_correlation.py.


  title={RAG-QA Arena: Evaluating Domain Robustness for Long-form Retrieval Augmented Question Answering},
  author={Rujun Han and Yuhao Zhang and Peng Qi and Yumo Xu and Jenyuan Wang and Lan Liu and William Yang Wang and Bonan Min and Vittorio Castelli},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.13998},


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.