

AWS CodePipeline Jenkins Plugin

The AWS CodePipeline plugin for Jenkins provides a pre-build SCM and a post-build (publisher) step for your Jenkins project. It will poll for AWS CodePipeline jobs, and download input artifacts. When a build succeeds, it will compress the build artifacts and upload them to AWS CodePipeline.

Build Status Changelog Jenkins Plugin Installs

Set up

Configure a build server running Jenkins. For your build server, it is recommended to create an Amazon EC2 instance running Jenkins.

Note: As a best practice, configure an EC2 instance profile rather than using AWS access and secret keys for your server applications. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codepipeline/latest/userguide/tutorials-four-stage-pipeline.html#tutorials-four-stage-pipeline-prerequisites-jenkins-iam-role.

Configure build project

  1. Install the AWS CodePipeline plugin.
  2. Open your project configuration, or create a new project.
  3. In the Source Code Management section, select AWS CodePipeline.
    • Fill out the required fields.
  4. In the Build Trigger section, select Poll SCM.
    • Define a schedule using cron syntax.
  5. Configure your build step as you normally would.
  6. In the Post-build Actions section, add AWS CodePipeline Publisher.
    • Configure any output artifacts (see below).

AWS CodePipeline Publisher

The publisher can upload zero to five output artifacts.

If you don't need to upload output artifacts, don't add any output locations (but do add AWS CodePipeline Publisher as a Post-build action).

To upload output artifacts, add an output location per artifact:

Archive format

For blank (workspace) or directory output locations, the plugin will use the same archive format used by the input artifacts. If the input archive type could not be determined, it will default to ZIP.

Supported archive formats:


This plugin is open sourced and licensed under Apache 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more information.