

AWS Copilot CLI (preview) latest version Join the chat at https://gitter.im/aws/copilot-cli

Develop, Release and Operate Container Apps on AWS.

The AWS Copilot CLI is a tool for developers to create, release and manage production ready containerized applications on Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate. From getting started, pushing to a test environment and releasing to production, Copilot helps you through the entire life of your app development.

Got a Dockerfile and some code? Get it up and running on ECS in under 10 minutes, with just one command. Ready to take that app to production? Spin up new environments and a continuous delivery pipeline without having to leave your terminal. Find a bug? Tail your logs and deploy with one tool.

Use Copilot to:

Read more about the Copilot charter and tenets here.

copilot help menu

Using the instructions and assets in this repository folder is governed as a preview program under the AWS Service Terms (https://aws.amazon.com/service-terms/).


Homebrew ๐Ÿป

$ brew install aws/tap/copilot-cli


We're distributing binaries from our GitHub releases. Instructions for installing Copilot for your platform:

<details> <summary>macOS and Linux</summary>
PlatformCommand to install
macOScurl -Lo /usr/local/bin/copilot https://github.com/aws/copilot-cli/releases/download/v0.3.0/copilot-darwin-v0.3.0 && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/copilot && copilot --help
Linuxcurl -Lo /usr/local/bin/copilot https://github.com/aws/copilot-cli/releases/download/v0.3.0/copilot-linux-v0.3.0 && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/copilot && copilot --help

Getting started ๐ŸŒฑ

Make sure you have the AWS command line tool installed and have already run aws configure before you start.

To get a sample app up and running in one command, run the following:

$ git clone git@github.com:aws-samples/aws-copilot-sample-service.git demo-app
$ cd demo-app
$ copilot init --app demo                \
  --svc api                              \
  --svc-type 'Load Balanced Web Service' \
  --dockerfile './Dockerfile'            \

This will create a VPC, Application Load Balancer, an Amazon ECS Service with the sample app running on AWS Fargate. This process will take around 8 minutes to complete - at which point you'll get a URL for your sample app running!

Cleaning up ๐Ÿงน

Once you're finished playing around with this project, you can delete it and all the AWS resources associated it by running copilot app delete.

Learning more ๐Ÿ“–

Want to learn more about what's happening? Check out our documentation https://aws.github.io/copilot-cli/ for a getting started guide, learning about Copilot concepts, and a breakdown of our commands.

We need your feedback ๐Ÿ™

The AWS Copilot CLI is in beta, meaning that you can expect our command names to be stable as well as the shape of our infrastructure patterns. However, we want to know what works, what doesn't work, and what you want! Have any feedback at all? Drop us an issue or join us on gitter.

We're happy to hear feedback or answer questions, so reach out, anytime!

Security disclosures

If you think youโ€™ve found a potential security issue, please do not post it in the Issues. Instead, please follow the instructions here or email AWS security directly at aws-security@amazon.com.


This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.