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Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python)

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Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python) is a developer toolkit to implement Serverless best practices and increase developer velocity.

Also available in Java, Typescript, and .NET.

📜Documentation | 🐍PyPi | Roadmap | Detailed blog post




With pip installed, run: pip install aws-lambda-powertools

Tutorial and Examples

How to support Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python)?

Becoming a reference customer

Knowing which companies are using this library is important to help prioritize the project internally. If your company is using Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python), you can request to have your name and logo added to the README file by raising a Support Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python) (become a reference) issue.

The following companies, among others, use Powertools:

Sharing your work

Share what you did with Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python) 💞💞. Blog post, workshops, presentation, sample apps and others. Check out what the community has already shared about Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python) here.

Using Lambda Layer or SAR

This helps us understand who uses Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python) in a non-intrusive way, and helps us gain future investments for other Powertools for AWS Lambda languages. When using Layers, you can add Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python) as a dev dependency (or as part of your virtual env) to not impact the development process.



Security disclosures

If you think you’ve found a potential security issue, please do not post it in the Issues. Instead, please follow the instructions here or email AWS security directly.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.