This is a library to retrieve AWS credentials from a variety of possible sources in the following default order:
- Erlang application environment variables
- OS environment variables
- An AWS credentials file
- ECS task credentials
- EC2 metadata
Include the library in your rebar.config file, and then...
{ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(aws_credentials),
Credentials = aws_credentials:get_credentials().
Credentials is either undefined
, if no credentials are available,
or a map of the shape:
provider_source => Provider :: module(),
access_key_id => AccessKey :: binary(),
secret_access_key => SecretKey :: binary(),
token => Token :: binary(),
region => Region :: binary()
Not all providers will populate all map keys.
If no credentials are found, the library will attempt to fetch them
again in 5 seconds. If you'd prefer for the application to not boot at all
without credentials, you can set fail_if_unavailable
environment variable
for aws_credentials
to true.
It is best practice to not cache these credentials inside of your own application. Always use the aws_credentials library to retrieve them - this way you will always get "fresh" credentials from the internal state of the application.
This library depends on the following libraries:
Each possible location for credentials is an Erlang module which implements the aws_credentials_provider behaviour. The first provider to respond with (apparently) valid credentials stops evaluation of later providers.
Adding a new provider
If you want to add a new provider, you simply implement the behaviour and add the module name to the default list of modules to attempt.
Provider return values
Providers are expected to return either {error, Reason :: term()}
{ok, Credentials :: map(), Expiration :: infinity | binary() | pos_integer()}
The expiration time from a provider can either be expressed as:
- the atom
, - epoch seconds as an integer, or,
- as an ISO8601 time/date string (e.g., "2019-03-14T23:45:56Z").
If you specify the expiration as infinity
the library will never attempt to
refresh credentials.
When credentials have been found, they will be cached in a gen_server until the credential's expiration time. 5 minutes before expiration time the gen_server will attempt to acquire new credentials, so credentials will automatically be refreshed in the background.
Choosing certain credentials providers
If you want to change the order of providers used to retrieve credentials, you can change the list of modules in your erlang environment variables as in this example:
{aws_credentials, [{credential_providers, [aws_credentials_ecs]}]}.
Different credential providers may have other settings which you can use to change their behaviors. See the documentation for each provider for more details.
License and copyright
This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2 license. It is a heavily modified fork of the original aws-erlang-metadata project.
Copyright (C) 2018 by Mark R. Allen.