


My simple personal oh-my-zsh theme

Ⓐ username@hostname:current directory [branch]

Feel free to find the Unicode circled letter representing your first initial and replace the Ⓐ to make it your own! I will update my install script in the future to automatically change it to the letter of your choosing.

Not showing branch

Showing branch


Easiest (OSX Only*):

  1. Open terminal
  2. Clone my repo git clone https://github.com/awkimball/akzsh.git
  3. Enter new directory cd akzsh
  4. Run install script ./install.sh
  5. Restart terminal for the changes to take effect

* The insall script uses sed features specific to OS X and BSD, it could be easily adopted for Unix systems but I haven't tested it


  1. Copy akzsh.zsh-theme to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes
  2. Open ~/.zshrc in your favorite text editor
  3. Change ZSH_THEME="ThemeNameHere" to ZSH_THEME="akzsh"
  4. Save the file
  5. Restart terminal for the changes to take effect