

mailibex Build Status

Library containing Email related implementations in Elixir : dkim, spf, dmark, mimemail, smtp


%MimeMail{headers: [{key::atom, {:raw,binary} | MimeMail.Header.t}], body: binary | [MimeMail.t] | {:raw,binary}}
# headers contains a keywordlist of either the raw form of the header, 
# or an encodable version of the header (a term with a module implementing MimeMail.Header.to_ascii)
# body contains either the raw binary body, the decoded body as a binary (using content-transfer-encoding), 
# or a list of MimeMail struct to encode in case of a multipart
# If body is a text, then the decoded body binary will be the UTF8 version of the text converted from the source charset

Currently, the library contains three types of acceptable header value (implementing MimeMail.Header) :

So for instance :

%MimeMail{headers: [
    to: [%MimeMail.Address{name: "You",address: "you@m.org"}],
    from: [%MimeMail.Address{name: "Me",address: "me@m.org"}],
    cc: "me@m.org", # only ascii so ok to encode it as a simple encoded word
    'content-type': {'text/plain',%{charset: "utf8"}},
  body: "Hello world"}
|> MimeMail.to_string


Flat mail representation of MimeMail is simply a KeywordList where all the keys [:txt,:html,:attach,:attach_in,:include] are used to construct the body tree of alternative/mixed/related multiparts in the body field of the MimeMail struct, and the rest of the KeywordList became the header field.

MimeMail.Flat.to_mail(from: "me@example.org", txt: "Hello world", attach: "attached plain text", attach: File.read!("attachedfile"))
|> MimeMail.to_string

Need more explanations here...


ext2mime and mime2ext are functions generated at compilation time from the apache mime configuration file https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/trunk/docs/conf/mime.types .

"image/png" = MimeTypes.ext2mime(".png")
".png" = MimeTypes.mime2ext("image/png")

bin2ext matches the begining of the binary and sometimes decode the binary in order to determine the file extension (then we can use ext2mimeto find the mime type if needed.

".webm" = MimeTypes.bin2ext(File.read!("path/to/my/webm/file.webm"))


[rsaentry] =  :public_key.pem_decode(File.read!("test/mails/key.pem"))
mail = MimeMail.from_string(data)

mail = DKIM.sign(mail,:public_key.pem_entry_decode(rsaentry), d: "order.brendy.fr", s: "cobrason")
case DKIM.check(mail) do
  :none      ->IO.puts("no dkim signature")
  {:pass,{key,org}}      ->IO.puts("the mail is signed by #{key} at #{org}")
  :tempfail  -> IO.puts("the dns record is unavailable, try later")
  {:permfail,msg}->IO.puts("the sender is not authorized because #{msg}")

Need more explanations here...


Organizational Domain implementation using public suffix database : (https://publicsuffix.org/list/effective_tld_names.dat)

"orga2.gouv.fr" = DMARK.organization "orga0.orga1.orga2.gouv.fr"


Full implementation of the Sender Policy Framework (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7208).

case SPF.check("me@example.org",{1,2,3,4}, helo: "relay.com", server_domain: "me.com") do
  :none      ->IO.puts("no SPF information")
  :neutral   ->IO.puts("nor authorized neither not authorized")
  :pass      ->IO.puts("the sender is authorized")
  {:fail,msg}->IO.puts("the sender is not authorized because #{msg}")
  :softfail  ->IO.puts("not authorized but don't be rude")
  :temperror ->IO.puts("temporary error, try again latter")
  :permerror ->IO.puts("spf error, ask to remote admin")

Current Status



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