

- This patched to be used with nexmon on a RPi3

Wifite 2

A complete re-write of wifite, a Python script for auditing wireless networks.

What's new?

What's not new?

Full Feature List


Wifite2 is designed entirely for the latest version of Kali Rolling release (tested on Kali 2016.2, updated May 2017).

This means only the latest versions of these programs are supported: Aircrack-ng suite, wash, reaver, tshark, cowpatty.

Other pen-testing distributions (such as BackBox) have outdated versions of these suites; these distributions are not supported.

Installing & Running

git clone https://github.com/derv82/wifite2.git
cd wifite2


Decloaking & cracking a hidden access point (via the WPA Handshake attack): Decloaking and Cracking a hidden access point

Cracking a weak WEP password (using the WEP Replay attack): Cracking a weak WEP password

Various cracking options (using --crack option): --crack option