

<h1>Jeykll and Hyde Collide</h1> <h2>The Game</h2> <p>This is a simple Unity 2d game for a games jam we've been working on. The game is very literally based around the theme of "change" using the classic Jeykll and Hyde story.</p> <p>The repo is the un-consolidated, un-compiled unity project files for ease of access during development</p> <h2>The Guys</h2> <p>A php developer, a WPF developer and a flash animator walk into a bar.... It sounds like a joke but the end result isn't that funny - well, not for us. Those accountable for this repo's content are: <ul> <li><b>Kane Burton</b> - animation quirks? spam him.</li> <li><b>Sam Higton</b> - gotta take flack for the level generation</li> <li><b>Jon Wells</b> - this man is to blame for the character behaviours</li> </ul> <h2>The Credit</h2> <p>Massive thanks to the Unity team for releasing 4.3 for this project. The new features really helped us kick off our project. Even if the release was 12days into the jam. Lets face it, we hadn't started yet :)</p> <p>In the spirit of open source, I'd also like to thank <a href="http://www.partnersinrhyme.com/pir/free_music_loops.shtml">PartnersInRhyme</a> who's sounds we use in the game. We can code, we can draw but we can't compose music on our own.</p>