

<p align="center"> <a href="https://www.awes.io/?utm_source=github&utm_medium=repository" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <img width="100" src="https://static.awes.io/promo/Logo_sign_color.svg" alt="Awes.io logo"> </a> </p> <h1 align="center">Repository</h1> <p align="center">Repository Pattern in Laravel. The package allows to filter by request out-of-the-box, as well as to integrate customized criteria and any kind of filters.</p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://www.awes.io/?utm_source=github&amp;utm_medium=shields"> <img src="https://repo.pkgkit.com/4GBWO/awes-io/repository/badges/master/coverage.svg" alt="Coverage report" > </a> <a href="https://www.awes.io/?utm_source=github&amp;utm_medium=shields"> <img src="https://www.pkgkit.com/4GBWO/awes-io/repository/version.svg" alt="Last version" > </a> <a href="https://www.awes.io/?utm_source=github&amp;utm_medium=shields"> <img src="https://repo.pkgkit.com/4GBWO/awes-io/repository/badges/master/build.svg" alt="Build status" > </a> <a href="https://www.awes.io/?utm_source=github&amp;utm_medium=shields"> <img src="https://www.pkgkit.com/4GBWO/awes-io/repository/downloads.svg" alt="Downloads" > </a> <a href="https://www.awes.io/?utm_source=github&amp;utm_medium=shields"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/awes-io/repository.svg" alt="License" /> </a> <a href="https://www.awes.io/?utm_source=github&amp;utm_medium=shields"> <img src="https://www.pkgkit.com/4GBWO/awes-io/repository/status.svg" alt="CDN Ready" /> </a> <a href="https://www.awes.io/?utm_source=github&amp;utm_medium=shields" target="_blank"> <img src="https://static.pkgkit.com/badges/laravel.svg" alt="laravel" /> </a> <a href="https://www.awes.io/?utm_source=github&amp;utm_medium=shields"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/awes-io/repository.svg" alt="Last commit" /> </a> <a href="https://github.com/awes-io/awes-io"> <img src="https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-134431636-1/awes-io/repository" alt="Analytics" /> </a> <a href="https://www.pkgkit.com/?utm_source=github&amp;utm_medium=shields"> <img src="https://www.pkgkit.com/badges/hosted.svg" alt="Hosted by Package Kit" /> </a> <a href="https://www.patreon.com/join/awesdotio"> <img src="https://static.pkgkit.com/badges/patreon.svg" alt="Patreon" /> </a> </p>

<p align="center"> <img src="https://static.awes.io/github/repository-cover.png" alt="Repository Laravel" /> </p>

Table of Contents


Via Composer

$ composer require awes-io/repository

The package will automatically register itself.


First publish config:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AwesIO\Repository\RepositoryServiceProvider" --tag="config"
// $repository->smartPaginate() related parameters
'smart_paginate' => [
    // name of request parameter to take paginate by value from
    'request_parameter' => 'limit',
    // default paginate by value
    'default_limit' => 15,
    // max paginate by value
    'max_limit' => 100,


Package allows you to filter data based on incoming request parameters:

It will automatically apply built-in constraints onto the query as well as any custom scopes and criteria you need:

protected $searchable = [
    // where 'title' equals 'Title'

protected $scopes = [
    // and custom parameter used in your scope
    'custom' => MyScope::class,
class MyScope extends ScopeAbstract
    public function scope($builder, $value, $scope)
        return $builder->where($scope, $value)->orWhere(...);

Ordering by any field is available:

protected $scopes = [
    // orderBy field
    'orderBy' => OrderByScope::class,

Package can also apply any custom criteria:

return $this->news->withCriteria([
    new MyCriteria([
        'category_id' => '1', 'name' => 'Name'


Create a Model

Create your model:

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class News extends Model 

Create a Repository

Extend it from AwesIO\Repository\Eloquent\BaseRepository and provide entity() method to return full model class name:

namespace App;

use AwesIO\Repository\Eloquent\BaseRepository;

class NewsRepository extends BaseRepository
    public function entity()
        return News::class;

Use built-in methods

use App\NewsRepository;

class NewsController extends BaseController 
    protected $news;

    public function __construct(NewsRepository $news)
        $this->news = $news;

Execute the query as a "select" statement or get all results:

$news = $this->news->get();

Execute the query and get the first result:

$news = $this->news->first();

Find a model by its primary key:

$news = $this->news->find(1);

Add basic where clauses and execute the query:

$news = $this->news->->findWhere([
        // where id equals 1
        'id' => '1',
        // other "where" operations
        ['news_category_id', '<', '3'],

Paginate the given query:

$news = $this->news->paginate(15);

Paginate the given query into a simple paginator:

$news = $this->news->simplePaginate(15);

Paginate the given query by 'limit' request parameter:

$news = $this->news->smartPaginate();

Add an "order by" clause to the query:

$news = $this->news->orderBy('title', 'desc')->get();

Save a new model and return the instance:

$news = $this->news->create($request->all());

Update a record:

$this->news->update($request->all(), $id);

Delete a record by id:


Attach models to the parent:

$this->news->attach($parentId, $relationship, $idsToAttach);

Detach models from the relationship:

$this->news->detach($parentId, $relationship, $idsToDetach);

Find model or throw an exception if not found:


Execute the query and get the first result or throw an exception:


Create a Criteria

Criteria are a way to build up specific query conditions.

use AwesIO\Repository\Contracts\CriterionInterface;

class MyCriteria implements CriterionInterface {

    protected $conditions;
    public function __construct(array $conditions)
        $this->conditions = $conditions;

    public function apply($entity)
        foreach ($this->conditions as $field => $value) {
            $entity = $entity->where($field, '=', $value);
        return $entity;

Multiple Criteria can be applied:

use App\NewsRepository;

class NewsController extends BaseController 
    protected $news;

    public function __construct(NewsRepository $news)
        $this->news = $news;

    public function index()
        return $this->news->withCriteria([
            new MyCriteria([
                'category_id' => '1', 'name' => 'Name'
            new WhereAdmin(),

Scope, Filter and Order

In your repository define which fields can be used to scope your queries by setting $searchable property.

protected $searchable = [
    // where 'title' equals parameter value
    // orWhere equals
    'body' => 'or',
    // where like
    'author' => 'like',
    // orWhere like
    'email' => 'orLike',

Search by searchables:

public function index($request)
    return $this->news->scope($request)->get();

Also several serchables enabled by default:

protected $scopes = [
    // orderBy field
    'orderBy' => OrderByScope::class,
    // where created_at date is after
    'begin' => WhereDateGreaterScope::class,
    // where created_at date is before
    'end' => WhereDateLessScope::class,

Enable ordering for specific fields by adding $orderable property to your model class:

public $orderable = ['email'];

orderBy=email_desc will order by email in descending order, orderBy=email - in ascending

You can also build your own custom scopes. In your repository override scope() method:

public function scope($request)
    // apply build-in scopes

    // apply custom scopes
    $this->entity = (new NewsScopes($request))->scope($this->entity);

    return $this;

Create your scopes class and extend ScopesAbstract

use AwesIO\Repository\Scopes\ScopesAbstract;

class NewsScopes extends ScopesAbstract
    protected $scopes = [
        // here you can add field-scope mappings
        'field' => MyScope::class,

Now you can build any scopes you need:

use AwesIO\Repository\Scopes\ScopeAbstract;

class MyScope extends ScopeAbstract
    public function scope($builder, $value, $scope)
        return $builder->where($scope, $value);

Artisan Commands

Package provides useful artisan command:

php artisan repository:generate Models/Order --scope=Search

It'll generate several classes for App\Models\Order:

Main repository: App\Repositories\Orders\OrdersRepository

Main scopes class: App\Repositories\Orders\Scopes\OrdersScopes

Individual search scope class: App\Repositories\Orders\Scopes\SearchOrdersScope


The coverage of the package is <a href="https://www.awes.io/?utm_source=github&amp;utm_medium=shields"><img src="https://repo.pkgkit.com/4GBWO/awes-io/repository/badges/master/coverage.svg" alt="Coverage report"></a>.

You can run the tests with:

composer test


Please see contributing.md for details and a todolist.

