

What's in this website?

An asynchronous, robust website URLs explorer<br> Highly configurable, yet fast and simple.<br> I developed this for pentesting purposes.<br> nmap's http module does quite the same, but with a lot of dependencies. Companies provide this service for money, so I decided to do it on my own.<br> <b>Please use it responsibly.<b>


git clone git@github.com:avilum/smart-url-fuzzer.git && cd smart-url-fuzzer
pip install -r requirements.txt
# This will find all the active endpoints in https://www.example.com
$ ./fuzz

Custom words lists

$ # Or, Using Python
$ python fuzz.py --help
Usage: fuzz.py -u https://example.com/

An Asynchronous, robust websites endpoint discovery tool with smart error
handling. Locates resources in websites based on a list of paths. Check out
the "words_list"" directory for lists examples.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u BASE_URL, --url=BASE_URL
                        The target website to scan.
  -l LIST_FILE, --list=LIST_FILE
                        A file containing the paths to check (separated with

You can use a custom paths lists, based on the website type, or based on your needs.<br> The directory 'words_lists' contains a some lists of the most common endpoints.

$ python fuzz.py -u https://www.facebook.com -l words_lists/list-php.txt
####-##-## ##:##:##,### - fuzzing - INFO - Getting the endpoints of the website https://www.facebook.com with list file "words_lists/list-php.txt" and 100 async workers.
# ...
https://www.facebook.com/comment_edit.php : 200
https://www.facebook.com/webdb_view_test.php : 200
https://www.facebook.com/sp_feedgenerator.php : 200
https://www.facebook.com/xp_publish.php : 200
https://www.facebook.com/categories_0222.php : 200
https://www.facebook.com/3d_exhibits1.php : 200
https://www.facebook.com/adr_cell.php : 200
####-##-## ##:##:##,### - fuzzing - INFO - The endpoints were exported to "endpoints.txt"


If the fuzzing failed for any http reason, it continues with less workers automatically.<br> Some sites have DDOS protection mechanisms.<br> The fuzzer will reach the optimal number of workers automatically, without getting blocked.<br>


All the activity is logged under /logs folder by default.<br>