


A customizable editor for GTFS files which can be used both as a standalone app or deployed to a wsgi compliant hosting.


A series of database management scripts are accesible from the command line using the manage.py script.

To initialize the database, use

$ ./manage.py db upgrade

In development mode this will create a file called data-dev.sqlite in the same directory with a DB looking like the one in production.


The main configuration file for the server is located at config.py. Environment variables can be overriden by writing them inside a .env file at the root level.


The project has two main parts,

The client application uses

The API server uses

among other auxiliary packages.


Development and local usage are best served by using SQLite as a db engine. It allows for rapid setup and portability.

Some hosted services do not support sqlite as a db engine (heroku), and postgres can be used.

Install postgresql and run

createdb -T template0 dbname

You are now ready to initialize an empty DB by using

FLASK_CONFIG=dev ./manage.py db upgrade

Importing a DB dump

To create a database dump use

pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner dbname > mydb.dump

To import a DB dump run

pg_restore -d dbname dump.tar

where dbname is the name of your database.

Deployment to EC2

Set up an ubuntu instance in Amazon EC2. On it, run

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip libpq-dev python-dev nginx postgresql postgresql-contrib

Configuring nginx

Create a site file in /etc/nginx/sites-available/ by copying the example file nginx.site.example over and editing it appropriately. Once you are done, enable the site using

$ sudo ln -s \
/etc/nginx/sites-available/mydomain.com \

where mydomain.com is the name of the file you created.

Configuring Postgresql

Create a database user with the same name as your current username

$ sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser $USER

and change it's password using

$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# \password $USER

This user will not need a password to connect to the DB.