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E-commerce re-invented :zap: in Elixir!


  1. Fast and reliable
    • We (will) profile all our code.
  2. Extensible to no end (conditions apply)
    • We share this goal with [Nectar Commerce][nectar]
  3. Superb tooling
    • Managing, importing, exporting and maintaing a store in production is quite cumbersome. Great tooling is the only solution.
  4. First class support for multi-seller/vendor platform.


Documentation for the project can be found on aviacommerce.org. It has developer guides, api specs, advanced guides and much more.

Give feedback or suggestion to the developer team on gitter.

We are also welcoming to the developers who want to contribute in the development. Head over to the contributing page for more info on how can you get started with aviacommerce.