

Eyes Guard <img align="left" width="120" height="120" src="UWPAssets/150x150.png">

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What is Eyes Guard?

Eyes Guard is a Windows Application for protecting your eyes. It will help you (also can force you!) to break if you are working with your PC for a long time using configurable times.


Windows 10/11 (Official with latest features)

EyesGuard will no longer distribute its packages via Microsoft Store. You need to install the package manually using the instruction below:

πŸ“¦ Method 1: Use the setup (recommended):

  1. 🟩 Download the latest setup form the Releases section.
    • For x64 systems: EyesGuard-Setup-VERSION-x64.exe
    • For x86 systems: EyesGuard-Setup-VERSION-x86.exe
  2. Run the setup and install EyesGuard.

πŸͺŸ Method 2: Use Windows Store Package (needs Developer mode to be enabled):

  1. Enable Developer Mode from Settings > System > For Developers
  2. 🟩 Download the latest package form the Releases section.
    • For x64 systems: EyesGuard.release.x64.zip
    • For x86 systems: EyesGuard.release.x86.zip
  3. Unzip the package.
  4. Find the certificate file with .cer extension and open it.
  5. Click Install Certificate > Local Machine > Place certificate in following store > pick Trusted People
  6. Open the installation package with .appx extension and install Eyes Guard.

Windows 7 (Unofficial Fork, not latest)

Download from ExplorerOL's GitHub

Any Screenshots?

Control Panel

Eyes Guard


Eyes Guard Settings

Notify Icon

Eyes Guard NotifyIcon

What features does it have?

FeatureImplementation StateIs live on store version?
Short Breakβœ” Implementedβœ” Yes
Long Breakβœ” Implementedβœ” Yes
Timing Customizationβœ” Implementedβœ” Yes
Stasβœ” Implementedβœ” Yes
Pause or Stop protectionβœ” Implementedβœ” Yes
Windows Tray Integrationβœ” Implementedβœ” Yes
Auto Startβœ” Implementedβœ” Yes
Customize messagesβœ” Implementedβœ” Yes
Multi-languageβœ” Implementedβœ” Yes

How can I help?

Eyes Guard is a free and open-source app. If you like it, please consider:

Supported Languages

usEnglishen-USAryan Ebrahimpour, Gianpaolo Filippa, Akash Joshi
irPersianfa-IRAryan Ebrahimpour
itItalianit-ITGianpaolo Filippa
frFrenchfr-FRBouillon Pierre
ruRussianru-RUDmitry Vorobjev
noNorwegiannb-NOThomas Rory Gummerson
inTamilta-INMuthu Kumar
koKoreanko-KRSung Jae Cho
trTurkishtr-TRFurkan KARADENΔ°Z
deGermande-DEMarco Heinisch
poPolishpo-POBartlomiej Szmolke
uaUkrainianuk-UAYaroslav Shaposhnyk
addAdd LanguageYou

Can I contribute?

PRs are very welcome!

You can contribute to software development and/or create translations for the app.

How to contribute to translating app

Method 1 : using GitHub


Adding a new Language:

  1. Go to Languages folder and create a new yaml file with name {StandardCountryCode}.yml like en-US.yml or fa-IR.yml. Here is a List of country codes you can pick.
  2. Copy the content of en-US.yml to the new created file.
  3. In the meta part of yaml edit the Translators array. Remove the existing translators in the copied file and just put information of yourself.
  4. Translate the Translation section of file and make a PR!

Modifying a translation file:

  1. Go to Languages and find the language you want to edit using its standard locale.
  2. In the meta part of yaml and in the Translators array, add yourself as a new translator without removing others from the list.
  3. Make your changes in the Translation section and make a PR!

Method 2 : using Email

<hr> Use the links mentioned in above method, modify/add translation file, then email it to me: Oxaryan@outlook.com

πŸ“œ RTL Languages

For right-to-left languages like Persian, Arabic, etc. It is not needed to explicitly state language layout in the meta section. Simply use a standard country code, and the app automatically detects if it has right-to-left direction or not and changes the design of elements in app.

πŸ“ Solution Structure

Project NameLanguageDescription
EyesGuardC#Main Application (at the time of starting project I didn't know F# to write the app entirely in F#)
EyesGuard.DataF#Type Provider and Data Access / Translations
StorePackageUsed to publish WPF app into Store

πŸ”¨ Build

You need Paket Package manager for .NET to restore the packages.

git clone https://github.com/avestura/EyesGuard
cd .\EyesGuard
paket install
cd .\Source\EyesGuard
dotnet run