

Donkeycar: a python self driving library

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Donkeycar is minimalist and modular self driving library for Python. It is developed for hobbyists and students with a focus on allowing fast experimentation and easy community contributions. It is being actively used at the high school and university level for learning and research. It offers a rich graphical interface and includes a simulator so you can experiment with self-driving even before you build a robot.

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Use Donkeycar if you want to:

What do you need to know before starting? (TL;DR nothing)

Donkeycar is designed to be the 'Hello World' of automomous driving; it is simple yet flexible and powerful. No specific prequisite knowledge is required, but it helps if you have some knowledge of:

Get driving.

After building a Donkeycar and installing the Donkeycar software you can choose your autopilot template and calibrate your car and get driving!

Modify your car's behavior.

Donkeycar includes a number of pre-built templates that make it easy to get started by just changing configuration. The pre-built templates are all you may ever need, but if you want to go farther you can change a template or make your own. A Donkeycar template is organized as a pipeline of software parts that run in order on each pass through the vehicle loop, reading inputs and writing outputs to the vehicle's software memory as they run. A typical car has a parts that:

If there isn't a Donkeycar part that does what you want then write your own part and add it to a vehicle template.

#Define a vehicle to take and record pictures 10 times per second.

import time
from donkeycar import Vehicle
from donkeycar.parts.cv import CvCam
from donkeycar.parts.tub_v2 import TubWriter
V = Vehicle()

IMAGE_W = 160
IMAGE_H = 120

#Add a camera part
cam = CvCam(image_w=IMAGE_W, image_h=IMAGE_H, image_d=IMAGE_DEPTH)
V.add(cam, outputs=['image'], threaded=True)

#warmup camera
while cam.run() is None:

#add tub part to record images
tub = TubWriter(path='./dat', inputs=['image'], types=['image_array'])
V.add(tub, inputs=['image'], outputs=['num_records'])

#start the drive loop at 10 Hz

See home page, docs or join the Discord server to learn more.