AS - Automotive Software
This project is only free to be used for evaluation and study purpose, all of the BSWs are developed by me alone according to AUTOSAR 4.4.
This is a public version of the SSAS; please note that the code may not be up to date and certain modules are absent. For an official version intended for commercial use, please feel free to contact me through my mail
AUTOSAR and its toolchain
Tools & Libraries
This project now provide below tools & libraries:
CanBusSimulator: CAN bus simulator over IP socket
LinBusSimulator: LIN bus simulator over IP socket
CanLib: CAN lib used to access CAN hardware(Vecotr CanCaseXL, PeakCan, ZLGCAN, etc)
LinLib: LIN lib used to access LIN hardware(COM, USB2I2C, USB2SPI etc)
DevLib: abstract device libraries used to access any other kind of devices for automotive
IsoTp: LIN or CAN(CANFD) Transport Layer(ISO15765)
Loader: A library used for bootloader
AsPy: A python interface to provide API to access CAN, LIN and IsoTp, it's easy to be used to implement test cases.
asone: QT based GUI tool for Com/Dcm/FlashLoader, it provides both the python version and pure C++ version, and the C++ version is the best. The asone tool also provides the lua engine for the UICom and UIDcm, thus lua scripts can be utilized to control Com/UDS communication.
DoIPClient: DoIP client library to access DoIP server
JSON Editor: JSON schema & PyQT5 based JSON configuation GUI tool for ssas
Successful solutions for customer
CAN/LIN protocal based flashloader/bootloader for MCU.
CAN/LIN based UDS/COM stack for MCU.
PC tool asone UICom for the CAN/LIN based signal communication, lua script can be used to control the communication
PC tool asone UIDcm for the CAN/LIN based UDS, lua script can be used to process the request/response data and display it.
PC tool asone UIFBL for the CAN/LIN based flashloader/bootloader.