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The Repo-supervisor is a tool that helps you to detect secrets and passwords in your code. It's as easy to install as adding a new webhook to your Github repository.

It works in two separate modes. The first one allows us to scan Github pull requests, and the second one works from the command line where it scans local directories.



To start using a tool, download the latest release from the Github releases page. There are two bundles available for both AWS Lambda deployment as well as for the CLI mode. Using CLI mode doesn't require any additional configuration, whereas to use the PR mode, it's necessary to deploy the bundle to AWS Lambda first.

Command line mode

The CLI mode allows scanning local directories with source code to detect secrets and passwords in files. That is the simplest deployment option, and it could become a part of the CI pipeline.

Findings might be either returned in the plaintext or JSON format:

$ npm ci && npm run build
$ node ./dist/cli.js ./test/fixtures/integration/dir.with.secrets

>> zJd-55qmsY6LD53CRTqnCr_g-
>> gm5yb-hJWRoS7ZJTi_YUj_tbU
>> GxC56B6x67anequGYNPsW_-TL
>> MLTk-BuGS8s6Tx9iK5zaL8a_W
>> 2g877BA_TsE-WoPoWrjHah9ta

>> d7kyociU24P9hJ_sYVkqzo-kE
>> q28Wt3nAmLt_3NGpqi2qz-jQ7

$ JSON_OUTPUT=1 node ./dist/cli.js ./test/fixtures/integration/dir.with.secrets


Github Pull Request mode

Running a tool in the pull request mode requires to add a new webhook to the Github repository. Webhook should be triggered on a pull request events whenever someone opens, updates, or closes a PR. Therefore, when a scan is triggered, it will update the PR status to either success or failure, depending on findings.

Webhook configuration details:

Payload URLAWS Lambda URL
Content typeapplication/json
Events typePull requests

Whenever a tool finds security issues, it sets the PR status to error, and it adds a link to view the report. Link to the report is a URL to AWS Lambda deployment with an additional query parameter ?id=<jwt> that allows to generate the HTML report.

Check out a sample report:

<div style="text-align:center"><img src="docs/images/pr.report.review.png"/></div>

Depending on the success or failure of the scan, it will set a proper PR status.

Error - issues detected

<img src="docs/images/pr.ci.status.error.png"/>

Success - no issues were found

<img src="docs/images/pr.ci.status.success.png"/>

A false positive was reported

<img src="docs/images/pr.ci.status.false.positive.png"/>

Supported files

Repo-supervisor aims to decrease the number of false positives as much as possible. It means that it doesn't scan all file types and extensions. Each file is parsed according to its format to extract strings, and this is a context-aware process that requires to use a language tokenizer. The currently supported file types are:

We plan to add new file types in the future. Read a documentation on how to add a new file type to learn more.

Security checks

This is the list of currently implemented checks in a tool:

Entropy MeterFinds strings with a high entropy to detect secrets and passwords in supported file types.

Frequently asked questions

How does it work?

CLI mode:

Pull Request mode:

Read more on the CI status definition.

Why doesn't it find any secrets?

Verify that the secrets you want to find are inside supported file types. Read more in the Supported files section.

How to add support for new file types?

To support a new file type, you need to create a new parser. Some of the file types might require to use external tokenizers because of the complex structure like JavaScript files. On the other hand, for simple file types, it's pretty straightforward as it was with JSON files.

Read more on how to add a new file type.

What is Auth0?

Auth0 helps you to:

Create a free account in Auth0

  1. Go to Auth0 and click Sign Up.
  2. Use Google, GitHub or Microsoft Account to login.

Issue Reporting

If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section. Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitHub issue tracker. The Responsible Disclosure Program details the procedure for disclosing security issues.




This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.