


The purpose of the SpyDir tool is to extend the functionality of BurpSuite Proxy by automating Forced Browsing. The tool attempts to enumerate application endpoints via an input directory containing the application's source code. The tool provides an option to process files as endpoints, think: ASP, PHP, HTML, or parse files to attempt to enumerate endpoints via plugins, think: MVC. Users may opt to send the discovered endpoints directly to the Burp Spider.

New Features

Version 0.8.6

Added a mechanism within SpyDir to handle path variables, thus removing this from the plugin responsibilities. This field requires a JSON object in the format of {"ITEM_TO_REPLACE": "NEW_VALUE"}. e.g. SpyDir finds the endpoint: profile/{userID} placing {"{userID}":"tom"} in "Path Variables" would result in the endpoint profile/tom.

Modified the AngularRoutes plugin to parse React.js endpoints as well. Name changed to AngularReactRoutes.py.

New plugin for C# files using Route(String, ...).

Version 0.8.5

Implemented a mechanism to allow users to enable/disable plugins once they are loaded.

Version 0.8.4

Added the ability to consume a single text file to parse previously processed/stored endpoints. This is mostly for folks that aren't comfortable with making Python plugins but still want to use the tool.

Implemented the ability to persist the extension settings through open/close of Burp Suite.


Plugin requirements:


Jython2.7+ stand-alone jar file.


  1. Modify the plugin return type to allow the specification of HTTP method passed to the spider. (This will require a custom HTTP request and handler)
  2. Auto-resize window
  3. Export data