

GNOME Shell Extension - Blur my Shell

<img src="https://github.com/aunetx/files_utils/raw/master/get_it_on_gnome_extensions.png" height="100" align="right">

License GitHub release (latest by date) Weblate project translated GitHub Sponsors

A GNOME Shell extension that adds a blur look to different parts of the GNOME Shell, including the top panel, dash and overview.

<img src="https://hosted.weblate.org/widgets/blur-my-shell/-/blur-my-shell/multi-auto.svg" align="right">


Static and dynamic blur

For the difference between static blur and dynamic blur:

Extensions compatibility

Blur my Shell is guaranteed to be compatible, in the sense of at least not to mess around, with the following extensions:






If you with to help me with this extension, there are quite a lot you can do!


You can help to translate the extension into your language, either by directly opening a pull request with the additions you've made, or by using Weblate!


To install the extension from source:

git clone https://github.com/aunetx/blur-my-shell
cd blur-my-shell
make install

You will then need to reload GNOME shell, for example by login out and in again, or under Xorg, alt+f2 and type r.

To debug the extension, you can use Looking Glass (alt+f2, type lg); I stored the extension object in global.blur_my_shell.

To see the extension logs, you can use:

# for debug logs (when Debug is activated in preferences)
sudo journalctl /usr/bin/gnome-shell | grep Blur my Shell

# for crash logs in GNOME shell
sudo journalctl /usr/bin/gnome-shell | grep blur-my-shell

# for crash logs in the extension's preferences
sudo journalctl /usr/bin/gjs | grep blur-my-shell

Just don't hesitate to open issues and pull requests, and sorry if I take some time to answer!


If you want to sponsor me, first of all thank you very much! That really is not a required part of being an user, and other developpers (for quite a lot of projects, them being extensions or GNOME itself) surely merit it more than me!

You can use either GitHub Sponsors or Ko-fi; and don't hesitate to ask for more specialized support if you need to!

Versions support

The current extension supports these GNOME Shell versions:

Blur my Shell supports older GNOME Shell versions, with different version tags:

Older GNOME Shell versions are supported up to Blur my Shell version 6, and by versions 17, 19 and 22:

Special thanks

<img src="https://github.com/aunetx/files_utils/raw/master/blur-my-shell@4x.png" height="128" align="right">

Much much love to (I hope I did not forget anyone...):

Of course, I am really grateful to the people sponsoring my work, it is really cool to be supported like this!

And lastly, thank you, kind visitor — this is a fun project to manage :)


This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later.