

TODO: make it a separate package

audio-through Build Status stable Greenkeeper badge

Through stream for audio processing.


npm install audio-through

var Through = require('audio-through');
var util = require('audio-buffer-utils');
var Speaker = require('speaker');

var through = new Through(function (buffer) {
    if (this.time > 3) return this.end();

    //decrease volume
    var volume = 0.2;

    util.fill(buffer, function (sample) {
        return sample * volume;

//Pipe to/from stream


new Through(process, options?)

Through constructor takes process function and options arguments.

Processor function receives buffer and optional done callback, and is expected to modify buffer or return a new one.

var through = new Through(function (buffer, done) {
    //...process buffer

    done(null, buffer);

Argument buffer is an instance of AudioBuffer, used as input-output. It is expected to be modified in-place to avoid "memory churn". Still, if a new buffer is returned then it will be used instead of the buffer.

Callback argument can be omitted, in that case processor does not hold stream and releases data instantly, like a sink. (The pattern reminisce mocha tests.). If callback argument is present, stream will wait till callback’s invocation. Callback receives two arguments — done(error, data), default node callbacks convention.


    //act as a generator readable stream if connected outwards but not connected inwards
    generator: true,

    //act as a sink writable stream if not connected outwards but connected inwards
    sink: true,

    //pcm options, in case if connected to raw output stream
    sampleRate: 44100,
    channels: 2,
    samplesPerFrame: 1024


Number of processed samples.


Number of processed frames (chunks).


Time of the beginning of the next chunk, in seconds.

through.on(evt, function (buffer) {})

Bind hook to processing event: beforeProcess or afterProcess. You can perform additional buffer modifications, if required.


End stream, can be called from within processing function or outside.


Throw error, not breaking the pipe.


Logging per-instance with timestamps.

Connecting to Web Audio

If you need to output stream to web audio — use whether web-audio-stream or audio-speaker.


audio-generator — audio signal generator stream.<br/> audio-speaker — output audio stream in browser/node.<br/> audio-shader — shader-based audio processing stream.<br/> audio-buffer — audio data holder.<br/> audio-buffer-utils — set of utils for audio buffers processing.<br/> pcm-util — utils for low-level pcm stream tasks.<br/> web-audio-stream — output stream to web audio.</br>