


Confirm an ip:port is hosting Empire. Eventual support for other C2s.


# Direct single query
❯❯ bothan -v localhost:8080
DEBU[2020-01-19T20:25:02-05:00] Requesting...                                 host="localhost:8080"
INFO[2020-01-19T20:25:02-05:00] SUCCESS                                       host="http://localhost:8080" tool=empire

# Take a pre-existing list of host:port lines
❯❯ bothan -v -f hostslist.txt
DEBU[2020-01-19T20:25:10-05:00] Requesting...                                 host="localhost:8080"
INFO[2020-01-19T20:25:10-05:00] SUCCESS                                       host="http://localhost:8080" tool=empire

# Take Stdin
❯❯ cat masscan.oD.txt | jq -r '. | "\(.ip):\(.port)"' | bothan -f -
ERRO[2020-01-19T20:25:25-05:00] Get EOF                   host=""
INFO[2020-01-19T20:25:25-05:00] SUCCESS                                       host="" tool=empire

# For masscan specifically, there's an option to parse its -oD json output format
❯❯ masscan -p 8080 -oD - | bothan --masscan -f -
INFO[2020-01-19T20:25:31-05:00] SUCCESS                                       host="" tool=empire

Successes are written to Stdout, all other logs, Stderr.


go get github.com/audibleblink/bothan


  1. Have go
  2. Have make
  3. Type make
├── 386
│   ├── bothan.darwin
│   ├── bothan.linux
│   └── bothan.windows.exe
├── amd64
│   ├── bothan.darwin
│   ├── bothan.linux
│   └── bothan.windows.exe
├── arm
│   └── bothan.linux
└── arm64
    └── bothan.linux

4 directories, 8 files

False Positives

For testing while developing this, I initially ran Empire in its default state, and then customized. After that, I relied on servers listed by public threat intel feeds to test against; around 100.

98 were identified as Empire. One just timed out and the other looked heavily modified.

That is to say, I didn't have what I'd consider a statistically relevant sample set to test against, so please report any false {positives,negatives} you encounter.