



What does it do?

cslogwatch is python-based application that implements log watching, parsing, and storage functionality. It is capable of state tracking any cobalt strike log directory and monitoring for any file creations, modifications, or deletions. Once cslogwatch identifies a new log file creation or existing file modification, the log files are automatically parsed and the results are stored in an sqlite database.


Parser Library

cslogwatch implements all parsing functionality within modules. You can easily and quickly retool this library for use with your custom code. The library already includes the ability to export log entry items in both python dict andjson formats.

How do I use it?

cslogwatch is straightforward to get up and running. First you need to install cslogwatch's requirements:

	pip -r install requirements.txt

Next you need to create a config.yaml file specifying the following (config-example.yaml included for reference):

Remember to save your configuration as config.yaml before trying to run cslogwatch!

Once you have saved your configuration file, you can execute cslogwatch:

	python cslogwatch.py

The first time cslogwatch runs it will create a new sqlite database if one of the specified name does not already exist. The default directory to be monitored will be logs/ .