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What is NClang?

NClang is a C# binding to LibClang. LibClang is a language service for C, C++ and Objective-C. A language service is a service (mostly as a library) that provides functionality to support writing programs in certain languages, such as a database for user program and its included files, or code completion engine that works against unsaved sources (text strings).

LibClang is part of Clang project which is part of LLVM project. Clang itself is a C/C++/ObjC compiler frontend for LLVM, and LLVM is the compiler infrastructure for several language frontends and backend binary formats.

NClang so far targets only LibClang. Note that Clang project has more language service like tools and libraries such as LibTooling (written in C++).

NClang is a hand-written C# binding that aims to bind every LibClang C API using P/Invoke (DllImport). The public API is to offer somewhat wrapped library around the native P/Invoke API which is internal within NClang.dll. The primary namespace is NClang.

The native binding API is based on the documentation. http://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/group__CINDEX.html

Clang API is documented per feature category, by the Clang dev. team. NClang API is designed to match its subject (as .NET is basically an object oriented infrastructure). There is most likely CXFooBar internal marshal class for each ClangFooBar public class. Every function that does not take Clang-specific type is collected into ClangService static class.

Some important classes are:

Typically a ClangTranslationUnit is parsed from files (either filename string or ClangUnsavedFile objects) using ClangIndex.ParseTranslationUint() method.

The public API is designed to be close to the native ones, but sometimes that results in annoyance (e.g. ClangIndexerCallback expects IntPtr and some types that takes cryptic IntPtr thing).

What we can (and cannot) do with NClang?

NClang is just a wrapper around LibClang, and LibClang is not an ultimate language service implementation. It has pretty much limited functionality. What it supports are:

What LibClang does NOT support:

Some features are supported in other parts of Clang such as LibTooling (clang::tooling namespace) but since there is no P/Invoke-able API, I cannot bind them right now. Probably CppSharp or Swig is required.