

FluidsynthMidiService is an Android 6.0 MIDI Device Service for Fluidsynth.

FluidsynthMidiService is based on Xamarin.Android.

Trying it out

It is still at very early development stage, but the core fluidsynth OpenSLES support is working. The sample app around it, on the other hand, is super lame so far.

In case you want to try, here is a demo version of it. https://deploygate.com/distributions/2fc9721e74ab2b5434b675def671f7840097b580

(DeployGate is a service where we Android devs can easily publish alpha versions without slow Google Play reviews and approvals.)


The repo consists of a couple of modules and it is complicated, but in general "make" should take care. The modules are explained later.


Currently it expects that there is some *.sf2 file under /data/local/tmp/name.atsushieno.fluidsynthmidideviceservice. "make obb" would create an .obb file under FluidsynthMidiService/bin/Release.

"make hackinstall" will try to build fluidsynth for Android and then reruns xbuild.


FluidsynthMidiService consists of several components, and they are submoduled under ./external directory.