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Teletype for Atom

An Atom package that lets developers share their workspace with team members and collaborate on code in real time.

Learn more at teletype.atom.io.



Command Line

  1. Install Atom 1.22 or newer

  2. In the terminal, install the package via apm:

    apm install teletype


  1. Install Atom 1.22 or newer
  2. Launch Atom
  3. Open Settings View using <kbd>Cmd+,</kbd> on macOS or <kbd>Ctrl+,</kbd> on other platforms
  4. Click the Install tab on the left side
  5. Enter teletype in the search box and press <kbd>Enter</kbd>
  6. Click the "Install" button that appears


This package is powered by three main components:


To run teletype tests locally, you'll first need to have:

Running locally

  1. Clone and bootstrap

    git clone https://github.com/atom/teletype.git
    cd teletype
    createdb teletype-test
    apm install
  2. Run the tests

    atom --test test