

This package is now a part of the core Atom repository, please direct all issues and pull requests there in the future!

Solarized Dark Syntax theme

Atom theme using the ever popular dark solarized colors.

<img alt="screenshot" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/378023/12602908/9c252b08-c4f0-11e5-8833-6aad91b8fa34.png" srcset="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/378023/12602909/9c25b366-c4f0-11e5-9f5d-aa6a517f7d7e.png 2x">

This theme is installed by default with Atom and can be activated by going to the Themes section in the Settings view (cmd-,) and selecting it from the Syntax Themes dropdown menu.