

Atom and all repositories under Atom will be archived on December 15, 2022. Learn more in our official announcement

Language Examples

These are examples of all languages that come bundled with Atom. Use them to test syntax highlighting when creating a theme.

How to use?

  1. Open your theme in Atom.
  2. Clone or download this repo.
  3. Open that folder in "Dev Mode" (View > Developer > Open In Dev Mode...). You'll see a red icon bottom/right in the status bar. Opening in Dev Mode will automatically reload the styles when you save.
  4. Now, click through languages files to make sure all languages are supported.


Left: Make changes to your theme. Right: See the changes applied to all Atom core languages.


Here a list of all the Atom core languages:


Contributions are greatly appreciated. Please fork this repository and open a pull request to improve the examples.

Each language file comes with two sections:

  1. A simple example of the language. Its purpose is to show a typical use case and get a quick overall impression.

  2. If needed more examples or tests can be added. Or maybe show a few edge cases.