


Text slot machine for react-native is an easy and fully customizable Slot Machine for React Native app.

<p align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3952700/30516749-919f13e6-9b50-11e7-9e37-c852234e1e58.gif" height="640px" /> </p>


    <SlotMachine text={1234} />
    <SlotMachine text="hello" range="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" />


The following props can be used to modify the slot machine's style and/or behaviour:

textString|NumberRequired0The text the slot machine animates to.
widthNumberOptional37The width of each slot.
heightNumberOptional50The height of each slot.
paddingNumberOptional4minimum number of slots. Added slots will be filled with 'defaultChar'
durationNumberOptional2000The total time of the animation of all the slots.
delayNumberOptional4Time to wait since componentDidMount until animation begins.
slotIntervalNumberOptional500The added animation time per slot. last slot animation time = 'duration'.
defaultCharNumberOptional0The default character to be used until animation starts & with 'padding'
rangeStringOptional9876543210The range of characters to be used when animating the slot machine.
initialAnimationBooleanOptionaltrueShould initial animation be activated or only subsequent text changes animations
renderTextContentFunctionOptional(char, index, range) => charAllows replacing the inner content of the Text element
renderContentFunctionOptional(char, index, range) => charAllows replacing the entire Text element with your own implementation
stylesObjectOptional{}Allows overriding each of the inner components (container, slotWrapper, slotInner, innerBorder, outerBorder, overlay, text)
useNativeDriverBooleanOptionalfalseEnable use of NativeDriver on Animation. See https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/animations.html#using-the-native-driver



Spins the slot machine from current position to the specified text position.

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Advanced Example

Play it live on expo → https://snack.expo.dev/@atlanteh/react-native-slot-machine

import {useState, useEffect, useRef} from 'react';
import { Text, View } from 'react-native';
import SlotMachine from 'react-native-slot-machine';

export default function App () {
    const [slotSettings, setSlotSettings] = useState({duration: 4000, slot1: 1234, slot2: 'hello', slot3: '2351'});
    const slotRef = useRef(null);
    useEffect(() => {
      setTimeout(() => setSlotSettings({duration: 1000, slot1: '4321', slot2: 'world', slot3: '1234'}), 5000);
      setTimeout(() => setSlotSettings({duration: 4000, slot1: '1234', slot2: 'hello', slot3: '2351'}), 7000);
      setTimeout(() => slotRef.current.spinTo('prize'), 12000);
    }, []);

    const symbols = ['🍏', '🍎', '🍐', '🍊', '🍋', '🍌']; // can't use emojies in SlotMachine because some of them are comprised of 2 chars
    return (
        <View style={{flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
            <View style={{height: 200, justifyContent: 'space-between', alignItems: 'center'}}>
                <SlotMachine text={slotSettings.slot1} duration={slotSettings.duration} />
                    width={45} duration={slotSettings.duration}
                <SlotMachine text={slotSettings.slot3} range="012345" renderContent={c => <Text style={{fontSize: 25}}>{symbols[c]}</Text>} duration={slotSettings.duration} />