

Pure Recipe

A web-to-markdown recipe viewer.

We're tired of the ads. We're tired of the blog posts. We just want the recipe!

This is a terminal application that allows you to quickly bypass the junk that plagues most recipe websites. Just run the program and voilĂ , a pretty-printed recipe is outputted to your terminal. Alternatively, you can save the recipe to a markdown file for later use.





  1. Clone the repository or download pure_recipe.py and requirements.txt.

  2. Install the required Python dependencies:

     pip install -r requirements.txt


There are four options: view, save, list, or browse.

View in Terminal


python pure_recipe.py view [RECIPE_URL]


python pure_recipe.py view https://www.seriouseats.com/potato-wedges-recipe-5217319

Viewing example:

terminal demonstration

Save to Markdown


python pure_recipe.py save [RECIPE_URL]


python pure_recipe.py save https://www.seriouseats.com/potato-wedges-recipe-5217319

Saves a recipe from a given URL. The default save location is /home/user/Documents/recipes/. Change this path in the config.yaml file, as described below.

Save a List of URLs


python pure_recipe.py list [FILE_PATH]

Have a whole bunch of recipes that you want to save? Just create a .txt file with one recipe on each line. Make sure the file is located in your recipe directory denoted in your config file. Default location is /home/user/Documents/recipes/.

Consider an example file called recipes_list.txt:


Then, run the program as follows:

python pure_recipe.py list recipes_list.txt

You should see all recipes on the list saved in markdown format.

The default location is /home/user/Documents/recipes/. Change this path in the config.yaml file, as described below.



python pure_recipe.py browse

Browse and view your saved recipes.


The program will create a config.yaml file upon its first run. The program should create default settings, placing a recipe directory in the user's Documents directory.

If needed, copy and paste the following template into the config file, changing the path to a folder where you want your recipes saved.

Config Template

directory: '/path/to/your/recipes/'
time: true
yield: true

More settings are planned for the future.

Supported Websites

Check out the list of supported websites for recipe scraping.


Why Create Pure Recipe?

There does exist other solutions for bypassing ad-filled recipes --- namely, Paprika. However, you are locked into their ecosystem and exporting the recipes can be troublesome. Plus, there is a subscription fee to use the app on multiple ecosystems/devices.

With Pure Recipe, you can be in charge of your own digital recipe book. By saving the files in Markdown format, you can quickly transfer recipes to a new device. Or, share your well-formatted recipes with family and friends without forcing them to download a propietary app.

Future Work


Contributions are welcome! If you have a suggestion or want to contribute code, please feel free to make a pull request or open an issue.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.