

<p align="center"> <img alt="Terminal One" src="https://github.com/kunchenguid/TerminalOne/blob/main/packages/app/assets/screenshot.png?raw=true"> </p> <h1 align="center">Terminal One</h1> <p align="center"> One terminal is all you need. </p>


A cross-platform, smooth and elegant terminal emulator and multiplexer.


Download installers from the releases page.


Terminal One can be customized through a config.js file located at the path shown in the menu tab.

config.js should contain Javascript code that produces a configuration object by assigning it to module.exports.

module.exports = {
  // config values...

The structure of the configuration object and default values can be found here.

Default Key Bindings

Many default key bindings are deliberately similar to tmux.

Key BindingAction
Ctrl-b cNew tab
Ctrl-b &Close tab
Ctrl-b pPrevious tab
Ctrl-b nNext tab
Ctrl-b <1-9>Jump to tab
Ctrl-b %Horizontal split
Ctrl-b "Vertical split
Ctrl-b hFocus pane on left
Ctrl-b lFocus pane on right
Ctrl-b kFocus pane above
Ctrl-b jFocus pane below


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Terminal One is open-source with MIT license. See CONTRIBUTING.md if you'd like to contribute to this project.