

Craft CMS 3 + Docker

Get started playing with Craft CMS 3 in a few command lines with Docker

About CraftCMS : https://github.com/craftcms
Download Docker : https://www.docker.com/community-edition#/download

:rocket: Quickstart

Mail catcherhttp://localhost:8082

:warning: Always run commands from container (ex: docker-compose exec php craft or docker-compose exec php composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle)

:up: Craft update process

:tent: Use a virtual host

:whale: Customize PHP or Nginx image

The PHP and Nginx images are host on Docker Hub because first build takes a long time.
You can use volume in docker-compose.yml to override files in images
The docker images sources are available : https://github.com/atillay/docker-images/tree/master/craftcms3

About MySQL credentials

If you change mysql credentials in .env you have to re-create mysql container:

Release new version on Docker Hub :
$ docker build -t atillay/craftcms3-php ./docker/php
$ docker push atillay/craftcms3-php