


This project is currently an experiment into the idea of generating C# source code from a text template. The code generation is integrated into the C# compiler using the source generator feature made available starting with the version supporting C# 9.

The input to Transplator is a simple text template file, where literal text is interspersed with C# source code. The output is C# code that, when executed as part of the compiled product, will produce text with literal parts copied over as they are and the C# code in the template contributing dynamic text.

Using the source generator feature has the benefit that the template is turned into strong- and statically-typed C# source code. Any type errors will be caught at compile-time. At run-time, the template output will be produced at native speed, without any interpretation.

The text templates can be used, for example, to generate e-mail messages with certain parts replaced dynamically at run-time.


Anything between {% and %} is considered C# code and everthing else is treated as literal text. For example:

The current date and time is {% DateTime.Now %}.

Transplator has some smarts to distinguish between control flow blocks or statement and expressions that contribute dynamic text, so syntactically, you only need to remember to use {% and %} as delimiters:

    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        i = {% i + 1 %}

Like the Liquid templating language, you can use - to trim whitespace from the left or right side:

{%- "left whitespace is trimmed" %}
{% "right whitespace is trimmed" -%}
{%- "left and right whitespace is trimmed" -%}

Like the Scriban templating language, you can use ~ to for non-greedy whitespace trimming: