NodeJS CLI runner and REPL for Rethinkdb
Work in progress, but it's still highly usable. Shout out, fork, fix and do pull request.
node ./bin/cli.js --help
Usage: node cli.js
-l, --ls list dbs
-T, --tablelist list tables
-C, --tablecreate= create table
--tabledrop= drop table
-t, --table= list table content
--filter= filter by 'key operator value'
--get= get object by id [optional]
--count count [optional]
--limit= limit [optional]
--skip= skip [optional]
--changes listen to table changes
--indexcreate= create index on table
--indexdrop= drop index from table
--indexstatus index status from table
-I, --insert= insert, with reference to json file
-u, --update= update table. Use with --get and --json
--json= json data
-D, --delete= delete all table contents
--delete-id= specify id for --delete parameter [optional]
--return-changes return changes [optional]
--dbcreate= create db
--dbdrop= drop db
-h, --help display this help
-v, --version show version
--verbose be verbose
--db= db name
--host= hostname
--port= port number
--username= username
--password= password
--auth_key= authentication key (alternative authentication)
node ./bin/repl.js
Commands reflects rethinkdb api as much as possible
node ./bin/repl.js --db test --host
Connected to > tableList
test has artists, people
node ./bin/repl.js --db test --host
Connected to > table artists
"id": "308c0d95-9540-4a1c-93f5-85b84fdb35cc",
"name": "Wild Man Fischer"
"id": "26d4bb72-46fd-4181-90d6-29269a3d629e",
"name": "Frank Zappa"
"id": "6dd6e268-55fb-4dd4-9d21-7b38336c97ca",
"name": "Bon Jovi"
To generate a fixture with the help of Faker
This might prove helpful when you want to fill a table with lots of fake data.
node ./bin/faker.js --name people -n 3 \
'name=name.findName()' \
'age=random.number(34)' \
'address=address.streetAddress()' \
'' > people.json
That would yield something like:
"people": [
"name": "Lillie Barton",
"age": 24,
"address": "951 Wuckert Vista",
"city": "East Karli"
"name": "Geovanni Orn",
"age": 1,
"address": "006 Isai Parkway",
"city": "West Jacques"
"name": "Ms. Frances Eichmann",
"age": 22,
"address": "3448 Vandervort Fort",
"city": "Hilda land"
Create a table.
node ./bin/cli.js --host localhost --db test --tablecreate people
Now insert the fixture.
node ./bin/cli.js --host localhost --db test -I people.json
Then do a query.
node ./bin/cli.js --host localhost --db test -t people
You can filter too.
node ./bin/cli.js --host localhost --db test -t people --filter 'city match Hilda.*$'
You might have a few million records. Narrow it down some.
node ./bin/cli.js --host localhost --db test -t people --limit 100 --skip 500000
Now you might want to clear the whole table.
node ./bin/cli.js --host localhost --db test -D people
Or simply delete a single record by id.
node ./bin/cli.js --host localhost --db test -D people --delete-id=036fb25b-f225-4b99-9f60-8267424b9ba0
Update a row.
node ./bin/cli.js --host localhost --db test -u people --get '123' --json '{"name":"Jane Doe"}'
Thomas Tinnesand Eng