for use with a websockets-rpc-compliant websocket server, the purescript-websocket-moderate client library, and purescript-argonaut json serialization system.
import WebSocket.RPC
import WebSocket (WEBSOCKET)
data MySubDSL = Foo
deriving (EncodeJson, DecodeJson) -- you should figure this out
data MySupDSL = Bar
deriving (EncodeJson, DecodeJson)
data MyRepDSL = Baz
deriving (EncodeJson, DecodeJson)
data MyComDSL = Qux
deriving (EncodeJson, DecodeJson)
myClient :: forall eff
. {url :: String, protocols :: Array String}
-> (WebSocketClientRPCT MyRepDSL MyComDSL (Eff _) Unit
myClient = rpcClient $ \dispatch -> do
-- could dispatch more than one subscription here
dispatch myClient'
myClient' :: RPCClient MySubDSL MySupDSL MyRepDSL MyComDSL (Eff (AllEffs eff))
myClient' =
{ subscription: Foo
, onReply: \{supply,cancel} Baz -> do
x <- randomInt 1 10
if x == 10 then cancel else supply Bar
, onComplete: \Qux ->
log "ayooo"
main :: Eff _ Unit
main =
execWebSocketClientRPCT $ myClient {url: "ws://localhost", protocols: []}
see the example/
folder for a working one