q/kdb syntax parsing/highlighting
- Includes syntax parsing/highlighting for q/kdb 3.x, 2.x, k, and q output
- can be used with text editors (Sublime, others), IDEs, github, etc.
This version continues the spirit of the current sublime-q syntax highlighting by kimtang, revamped with many updates and fixes:
- Parses numbers better, including reals;
- Supports all nulls and infinities;
- Parses symbols better;
- Parses file handles;
- Properly handles escape characters in strings, including unicode;
- Correctly interprets comments and block comments;
- Updates the list of reserved words;
- Still uses the reversed function-definition/function-argument highlighting that you know and love;
- Does not highlight all your parentheses;
- Highlights view/global assign ("::") like assign (":");
- Also now highlights compound assignments (such as "+:" and ",:") and dictionary/list assignments ("dict[`key]:value" or "list[index]:value");
- Not only highlights all date and time varieties, but also flags their contexts under the hood (for example, in Sublime use ctrl+alt+shift+p (Windows and Linux) or control+shift+p (OSX) to view the context of your cursor -- handy for qbies);
- Highlights IO functions ("0:" "1:" and "2:");
- (Slightly) improves k language and q-output highlighting;
- Also (slightly) improves namespace and built-in namespace highlighting;
- And more!