


A nostr relay, written in Clojure, backed by sqlite3.

Supported NIPs: NIP-01, NIP-02, NIP-04, NIP-11, NIP-12, NIP-15, NIP-16, NIP-20, NIP-22, NIP-42

(NIP-09, NIP-26, NIP-33, NIP-40, NIP-50 not yet supported, but please request with your client & use case if you're interested.)

Project Goals

Run Locally

For a real deployment, you'll want to deploy with ssl termination (e.g. using ngnix) but for local testing, simply:

$ brew install clojure/tools/clojure
$ make run

The relay will be reachable at ws://localhost:9090 and data in a git-ignored ./n.db sqlite file

With various app metrics available at http://localhost:9090/metrics.

Edit ./conf/relay.yaml to change port, file, etc.

Known Deployments

How to Deploy

Use a latest release from releases.

A released tar.gz archive has these contents:


Unpack on server, update config files to your personal liking (note: leave the "supported_nips" and "version" as-is in the nip11.json file), and run (using java 11+):

$ java -Xms1g -Xmx1g \
    -Dlogback.configurationFile=conf/logback.xml \
    -cp me.untethr.nostr-relay.jar \
    clojure.main -m me.untethr.nostr.app

This runs the relay on the port specified in conf/relay.yaml (default 9090).

You'll want your users to hit a reverse proxy, configured to serve SSL traffic (wss://...) and proxy to the relay server.

See Deploy for more information on how to run a real deployment.


The best place to start reading the code is from the -main method in the well-documented me.untethr.nostr.app namespace.

If you're developing you can build a jar or deployment archive from latest source, like so:

$ make uberjar


$ make deploy-archive